Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 148


Al [Imran 3: 12–14

(12) Tell those who have disbelieved: “You shall soon be overpowered and mustered to Hell; what an evil resting place!” (13) You have already come across an instructive sign in the two hosts that encountered each other in battle (at Badr): one host fighting in the way of Allah, and the other that of unbelievers. They saw with their very eyes that one host was twice the number of the other.4 But (the result of the battle proved that) Allah succours with His victory whomsoever He wills. In this there is surely a lesson for all who have discerning eyes.

(14) People are naturally tempted by the lure of women, children, treasures of gold and silver, horses of mark, cattle and plantations. These are the enjoyments in the life of this world; but with Allah lies a goodly abode to return to. ▶

4 The actual disparity between the two armies was roughly that of three to one, but even a cursory glance was enough to tell the casual observer that the army of unbelievers was about twice as large as that of the believers.


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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