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The End Result: SPPG


The first five benefits of engaging executive customers—market and leadership team alignment, strategic insight, marketing direction, increased sales, and relevant innovation—produce sustainable, predictable, profitable growth. By listening to these decision makers and investing resources in areas that are viable and important to them, you can avoid wasting time, energy, and money in areas where there is little or no business value, and capture the sixth and final benefit of The B2B Executive Playbook: SPPG.

The value of executive customers—one of the most underdeveloped resources in the B2B sector—is difficult to overstate. But since the most credible advice and recommendations come from peers, don’t take my word for it. Listen to Intesource’s CEO Tom Webster: “We opened the company kimono to our executive customers…the good, the bad, and the ugly. That was very hard, but the relationships and the trust that were established as a result are beyond description. Our executive customers not only assisted in the design of our next generation of solutions, marketing plans, sales training, customer support programs, and pricing models, they also helped design our future.”

The facts support Webster’s claim: within two years of launching their executive customer initiative, Intesource, which had been on the brink of closing its doors, was recording revenue growth and margins that were well above industry averages.

The B2B Executive Playbook

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