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Only craft
Chapter 4


Morning began as usual with Nina’s call. This time Alexander with alarm lifted a tube: Sunday, and is no need to awake it for work.

– Hi, the sonny, – joyful notes in a voice of mother calmed, – I congratulate on a new thing. The good fellow, did not stint. We with the father will return a half of the sum, do not doubt …. You did not find a salad bowl?

– No, I brought.

– Not everything, two dlinnenky, with blue covers is not enough. Look better, I to you have no place to put a lunch.

Having once again convinced of prospecting abilities of mother which sources Alexander did not try to find even, having tested the familiar emptiness brought by words thanked Nina and hung up.

Today morning was given colder than usual. Nevertheless, the guy, shirking yesterday’s promises, found, than to be engaged: cleaned snow in the yard, classified the tool in a shed, repaired the broken box. A master’s look examined the inherited earth. There was a wish for spring, heat, time when plant a kitchen garden, rejoice to the kidneys which are poured on trees, and in the evening when watering observe revival of plants, podvyavshy in a day. Клот liked to potter in the earth, loved, despite a heat, despite of everything. With pleasure the whole day in the yard dug, remaking hundreds of big and small cases, reaching physical powerlessness and happiness at the same time for what neighbors often praised highly Alexander. And not to find in the district of those whoever knew that in this house there lives a hardworking, persistent person who is quite often edified in an example and a reproach to others.

Having been earned till the sunset and having exhausted an opportunity to make something else, Alexander took seat for writing of stories, but after a star also the last forces left. Day of wearisome work which he hated not less Balzac but also could not throw too, left a bad deposit. As a result for a desk of Klot got when with feeling of the vypryazhenny, on the last legs animal, people are filled up to sleep. He could not consider and plan the subsequent steps in creativity any more, not to mention ability to estimate the quality written, often measured by the number of the words which are squeezed out from themselves: avaricious, repeating, bearing continuous emptiness. Sometimes weather interfered with circumstances, and then Alexander appeared at a table in the most necessary, most fruitful time of day – in the morning. Then it began to turn out better, but he was afraid to re-read old with a fresh mind, fairly expecting the level of the stories written in subconscious state. The fresh head or not, all the same was necessary to persuade to write Aleksandra, there were always affairs more interestingly. In fight against laziness, having followed an example of great authors, Klot tried to define the minimum time which is daily spent for creativity. The trick failed. Suffering, he stayed till the determined time, spending its most part for smoke breaks and examinings of landscapes in a window. Instead of plots the imagination drew easy, beautiful future, and in it the little was allocated for work, often it saw each other entertainment during the periods of sincere boredom, delays of cheerful meetings and holidays. There was a rain or gluttonous frosts fell to the ground, anyway Klot tried to find though some occupation allowing to avoid writing. It was worth waking up and seeing that the nature urges on it to business, the mood spoiled at once. Plainly Alexander himself also did not know what he is afraid of, the administration over it was not, nobody could force it to write, so, both to condemn and to punish for misses too there was nobody. Despite it, the fear all the same did not pass, and the mood improved at one thought that soon the end that it is possible to rise because of a table and to be engaged… and it is not important what, the main thing – to rise and leave from the uncoordinated, pouring plot and wooden heroes, and then the whole day to feel satisfaction that after all decided and wrote. If left not bad, Alexander doubted at once whether his hand wrote offers. Perhaps, someone made work until he slept or went woolgathering. Клот indefinitely scrolled written in the head. Sometimes from the text conclusions of which the author also did not think unintentionally appeared to speak, but pleased that the others by all means will notice them. But also here Alexander was trapped by not clear awe forbidding to send the gained lines to magazines or to post them on a public inspection on the Internet. Solving: “Still early. With the publication it is possible to wait”, – and written right there it became finer, lighting up with fantastic light of inaction.

“Though who would call, arrived. To a boredom”, – creativity time once again successfully passed, weather worsened having locked Alexander in the house where, having bypassed each corner, it did not find what to carp at what to wipe or correct. Having grasped the idea about guests, Klot made coffee, overroasted, sour, too advertized; now black wish-wash seemed more tasty ordinary.

“To invite friends. To sit”. Having forgotten to add cold water to a cup, it, without noticing, burned a throat. Having agreed by phone with the friend about a meeting, ran about the room: “In shop to stint, and here to bring to the logical end, – the glue which is drying up in a bucket was lop-sided on remained since yesterday evening, – on couple плиточек, but also I will not give an abyss to it”. Having somehow finished with repair, took a good part of the remained money, went behind an entertainment.

Having caught sight of the regular customer, shop assistants discontentedly hemmed in response to its silent to Zdrasta. Girls well remembered the entered bore and always swore, finding out, whose turn to serve the miser, to shortchange the caviller which there is nothing and to think – an embodiment in one face of all, to them яро hated. “Will sniff at each pea, and will buy for kopek”.

Contrary to their expectations, today Alexander undertook to surprise, to him and the most wakened wastefulness appeared it is a new experience: bought much and not from cheap.

– It is visible, affairs at it went …, – coming out, he heard behind the back.

– Well?!

– On, the five, – one of them sent the rumpled note to a pocket.

– God grant, not the last ….

Having lingered on steps (and suddenly still that pleasant will be told), Klot incidentally paid attention to a facade of shop. “The tile is twice more expensive, than at me in a bathroom. There is a lot of workers, all do in a week; and I already how many I potter, and all on the place, and not so exactly as at them it turns out”. Be not scheduled at Alexander a fast meeting, he would fall into despair for several days. Scrupulously and gloomy would continue repair, noticing all small defects, showing constant discontent that, as a rule, came to an end with hassle, diarrhea and still the worst result of work, with the subsequent undertaking of repair anew.

Before arrival of guests there were several hours.

“I will weld shrimps”.

“Royal” – the name on packing amused vanity. Having rumpled, put a matchbox aside, podkurit from a gas ring. The special knife very inconvenient and selecting plenty of time, but not cutting off and gram superfluous, polished potatoes …. Put wine in the freezer.

“Black warned that there will be not one and not with friends”, – the pleasant shiver from an anticipation of new acquaintances ran on a body.

Alexander undertook a broom, but in rooms everything shone. Then decided to arrange the small, strictly planned disorder: outlined piles of books and notebooks on a table. “Will notice, will surely ask, than I am engaged here”. Took out from shelters that the little that collected at it valuable: electronic translator, old non-working printer and several mobile phones of “last century”; spread out everything on window sills, mistakenly believing that a little luxury among the general poor will raise it in the opinion of guests, will hint at the owner’s solvency. Remembered a reserve piece of meat, put a frying pan on a plate. Посомневавшись, returned the prepared match back in boxes, found burned, and from already lit ring ignited following. Then from the same match podkurit and, having nearly singed fingers, threw out a candle end in a bucket. “You will not use it more”.

Lai in the yard announced arrival of guests. Alexander threw off a hook from an entrance door, trying not to rustle, crept back in kitchen.

– Here?

– Darkly, horror, – sweet voices of strangers were distributed.

Without having managed to present their appearance, to enjoy the concerning moment, Klot hurried to the aid.

– Nothing, I will carry out. Carefully, here hole.

– Do not forget me! – having heard about a hole, the men’s bass began to worry. – How many in it cubes? – examined Black the gaping door to the earth.

– Rub and a half.

– Manually! How you had enough patience? I would throw.

On stony walls of a cesspool fragmentary strips from blows of a pick and scrap distinctly appeared. Around blocks broken, but still impressive layers of slate rose.

– How many suffered?

– Month two.

– I would throw! Every day…!

– Neighbors did not believe too what will turn out, especially in the first week when began to rush, – Alexander grinned, having remembered the passersby by all means looking down. To everyone kortet to ask: “How many you potter? For what?” – and, having received answers, to draw a conclusion: “Yes, why it is necessary, so to dig?!” – that added Aleksandra of forces to work further, did it is stronger than others.

Now this reminiscence, as well as long examining of a hole, was extremely important issue and attracted huge interest of all. Everyone noticed or the sticking-out sharp stone which is cut off by the puncher, or the night insect floundering at the bottom guesses as it got there and why in the winter built. Prime significance in order to avoid a talk and thoughts of the occupations really interesting to all audience which are already hurrying to continue evening was attached to everything.

– Yes! – vaguely stretched Black.

Afterwards the illegible gentle voice which caused desire to return back, throw a hook in a loop in Alexander was distributed: “Will knock, will knock and will leave”. From nonsense as it is strange, darkness saved. On concrete two couples of heels tapped.

“How to watch at them what to tell?” – Klot worried, it happened to get acquainted infrequently. … Unless Lita. And when it was, and that after a year of communication on the Internet when already to some extent became close each other. And here? Behind the screen you will not hide. Not to be exposed to boring bad people or, on the contrary, by the chatterbox. Alexander, as well as any other, wanted to be pleasant at once. Often at acquaintance the first impression is stronger than arguments of reason and after is capable to eclipse any shortcomings of the person for a long time. It is simple to be pleasant without far-reaching plans as all think or as all pipe-dream. Further is a shame to represent that in advance for what actually gathered, and after it is easy – to change nothing, so late to regret for something. Having creaked, the door gave in, let in the house of guests.

– Great, the homebody, – strong handshake greeted Black Alexander.

– Hi, black person.

Itself black was a blonde, clean-shaven, preferring exclusively mourning dresses today, for as got the nickname.

“Did not shave, forgot”, – Alexander by a palm on the three-day bristle carried out. Though actually did not forget, just for economy used machines of times in three days, and passed only two.

Pottering with laces, the friend closed the shkafoobrazny figure of the little girls who are restricted behind.

– Pardonte! – having guessed about the inconvenience, it passed them forward. – Here. Vika and Evgeny. The cafe got acquainted ….

The hall was filled with a strong smell of perfume mixed up with sourish aroma of wine. Shuddering from cold, girls tried to squeeze deep into rooms.

– Hi, – each of them threw, bending down and taking off footwear, roofing felts with shame, roofing felts with envy having been lop-sided on posters of competitors.

Alexander, having hardly overcome nervousness, squeezed out from itself a reciprocal greeting.

Supporting both for waists, Cerny, smiling in all whiteness of teeth, did to Alexander immodest signs, hinting what to whom from the guest is intended. Having left outerwear on chairs, passed to the hall. The smell of perfume amplified. Did not manage to consider Klot them, but understood – both are beautiful, and the friend was not limited to wine, and therefore already and too tipsy. Da Cerny another was also not for what had the second, more offensive surname “Boozy”. In eyes very few people so called it – his physical force did not thaw from continuous consumption of alcohol.

– Listen, there will be enough candy to guzzle, – Klot tried to drive away the gluttonous impudent person from a vase with sweets and fruit.

– And why you put them here? – throwing back the tenth candy wrapper aside, the filled mouth murmured Black.

– For appearance, of course. Well, one-another when – was never eaten, so, by the way, but not purposefully to fill a stomach. At normal people always such vases stand, and nobody ruins them ….

– You would watch less TV …, – having finished chocolate, Black appetizingly crackled apple. – It is all the same what vodka to keep in the refrigerator. It will last long there? You will get bar, so you will become an inveterate drunkard, you will not devastate yet and you will not go outside …. Soon though to Aksen on a wedding, I will gorge on without moaning there …. You about a party did not forget?

Having waved a hand, Alexander gave up a useless conversation and took seat on a sofa beside the TV. In nearby the settled-down girls, as well as in him, a certain embarrassment, haste in the movements was felt, the obryvochnost of views was guessed. Alcohol hurried to improve situation. Constraint thawed, looking at each other turned into impudence, and reciprocal views were maintained without lowering of eyes.

“Always then, – Alexander abstractedly was silent, without being afraid any more to seem impolite. – — you learn riddles, interest same …, and after whims, discontent even begin, the feeling of thousand-year acquaintance comes. Drudgery! But not now! Not in the first meetings. We wait for every time, and suddenly not as usually, suddenly something special; but what there special, if ordinary”.

As in the head the rumble accrued, a talk became louder, and jokes and laughter more shamelessly, memory blackouts of Alexander even more often alternated with incredibly thin and clear understanding of the events quicker. He learned an essence of the most abstract things of which he sober and did not think to think. As he wanted to be given to an intoxicated current of a thought, and was what to look – the interesting ideas were postponed on the ambassador. Clips, clips – smart one by one. Celebrities, expensive cars, beautiful women.

“If I continue to idle, nothing shines me”, – old dreams of possible acquaintances poured down. Beauty on the screen attracting luxury caused envy, vanity and feeling of own pettiness as all not for it awoke. “But they too people. Women they were given birth, eventually, not by children of gods. Eat, sleep, and there is enough meanness in life. But who sees it? Do not parade everyday, all have it, but to nobody is uninteresting. There is Victoria, having examined my bathtub, told nothing and it did not look narrowly, and just asked to show where …. Repairs are not interesting to it what to speak about those… on the screen!?”

In the program among “trump”, continuing to spoil a holiday, also the writers of the present who are taking away belonging to Alexander flashed. Also beautiful young novelists, poetesses entered into exclusive society.

“… Smart rest, multystoried country houses …", – the leader continued the program, lifting bitter bile in the guy. Alexander ran a look through the rooms, looked for though something standing, worthy admiration. Eyes continually came across the dark screen of the computer which is looking out because of a case. There an opportunity to become on an equal basis with them, to declare, the opportunity which for the sake of trifles is so roughly debugged by Klot for later consisted in it. Everything, than he owned, did not go also to pathetic comparison… caused shame more likely, but not envy of people around.

“Two marigold the text is managed to be typed. I specially mastered ten-manual set …. So what?” – as he also expected, about work was told a little, it is more and more about the benefits brought by it that testified to easy life of creative people.

Having jumped from a sofa, Klot noticed backs of books of the immemorial interlocutors on shelves.

“And you what starved? During lifetime – neither popularity, nor money, nor honor? For what wrote? Could not achieve at once?”

The photo of the great predecessors covered with time dust did not resemble faces of modern artists in any way: neither luster, nor beauty, nor satisfaction; on the contrary, there are more and more tortures, experiences, inexplicable pain and sufferings. Persecution, at times even hunger the faded portraits sobbed, answering:

Then in a brain,

Vlechenyem to a muse compressed,

Dreams flowed

In secret silence,

That there will be I

Known and rich

Also there will be a monument in Ryazana to me.

These words were not memoirs earlier read, not at all. Alexander had not to fit efforts and to cause verses in memory, he simply listened.

“And all these in expensive jewelry, trinkets; often writers, and businessmen at the same time”.

And again clips with beauties – white, without defects on faces and bodies. Alexander felt their physical purity, believed that they wait for him, will accept with pleasure, and he will become same brilliant, without excess troubles.

– Regain consciousness what you? – the laughing Victoria invited Klot to dance.

Embracing her a slender waist, feeling an elastic breast, Alexander continued to think of the, without noticing the excited woman, though fixedly considered it, the truth with other purpose, at all not that of which the naive girl thought. And let Victoria was three times beautiful: it is harmonious, gentle, with the huge gray eyes calling to love, he felt small hillocks of callosities on her palms, inhaled generous quantity of the cheap perfume which is not coping with a task – from it all the same pulled sourish then. Freshness of a young face was saddened by working fatigue, premature wrinkles and other small shortcomings that was not at to what Alexander aspired, at those whose smell stupefies the head and no spirits are capable to compete to aroma of their clean bodies which are not knowing physical efforts, house hassle… The chilled hoarseness in a voice, rough expressions, low cost of clothes, inability to be painted plainly – now only possessed it Victoria in his eyes. Alexander was eager bigger, than the life from time to time throwing to him girls-vtorosortnits from one of which he danced now.

“And not dance at us, and so, uncoordinated gestures, friction the friend about the friend for kindling of animal passion. Be given up it seriously …, farther worse. Continuous scandals – you earn a little, not there you put a plate, not so you brush teeth…, and still will stop watching himself, will turn into the careless, eternally grumbling being”.

Клот had disgust for Victoria seeming to it almost a monster. It is a little more, and it roughly would push away her from itself (himself), but music broke in time, it is successful them having separated.

Without paying to anybody attention, Black stuck to Evgenia and that reciprocated.

– A cool lighter, – at last the friend came off Zhenya’s lips, turned the trinket which is recently bought by Alexander in hands.

– Take away, – threw Klot.

– Charm! – afterwards eyes at his girlfriend lit up – to her the charm in the form of a little little squirrel turned up.

– Take away! – Klot showed a bit of generosity, without wishing to distract from thoughts for the sake of any little squirrels.

Couple more of shot glasses of alcohol drunk one by one cardinally changed outlook of the guy. What was seen on the screen was greased, turned into impossible. “Here, with me at a table same as I – they are real, this present. Others cannot exist as well as to me never to receive the notice of adoption of my manuscript and payment of the fee for it. Money? For what? For literary trash? For sitting on a chair? While others in a frost and heat, pottering about in dirt, get kopeks. Anybody can have no such riches, and the host – the madman. Who saw wealthy idlers? And differently you will not call their work. We hear about them often, but also about a gold antelope we know since the childhood”.

The life experience strengthened by a slave habit turned the persons broadcast on television into illusion of sick mind, insanity, a dangerous disease.

– Let’s go, – Victoria entrained it in a bedroom, leaving the hall at the disposal of the second couple, than that was not slow to use.

To Alexander expensive phone Black was necessary to postpone and to stop creating visibility of diligent correspondence by means of SMS. Unwillingly he began to respond to caress of Victoria…

At the night Klot woke up from terrible howling in the yard. Having got up, threw with a dressing gown shoulders, looked at the girl sleeping nearby.

“No, not treason. I do not love it, she is not Lita”, – hop managed to disappear from the head, but, despite dislike for Victoria, something disgusting lodged in soul. He knew, stumble in this way Lita, to him, hardly, such justifications would be pleasant.

Terrible sounds broke off to the district – so howl on dead men. Alexander hurried to come to a porch. A thunder, without noticing the owner, continued the business, having extended a neck towards the huge moon which is ugly sticking out on a clear sky. Bright red, she foretold terrible. A sheep-dog, having bristled up, sang on all voices. It became terrible.

– Quietly friend.

Having heard a familiar voice, the dog turned the head. The tousled wool slowly laid down on a well-muscled body. From under bushes the frightened cats gleamed eyes.

– Go to bed.

The thunder obediently rang out with a chain in the direction of the box. Afterwards stretched it is conciliatory the purring lodgers.

Having taken seat on a porch, Klot lit. The dream stilled mystical fear. From the sky the rare, but large snowball broke, tightened the moon a veil. To replace the Thunder, with the repertoire, the night bird hurried. Its hoot pacified. “On an eagle owl not probably”, – Alexander tried to solve the midnight actor, to define the direction of its scene – unsuccessfully. The bird sang everything and sang, remaining the unknown, filling soul with pleasant heat, bearing strange hope.

“I will achieve. It to me a sign, everything will turn out”.

Making the way through darkness, Alexander came across any trifles scattered on the hall. The road to small “office” lay by sleeping on the sofa.

“It is desirable to disturb nobody. Still there were not enough foolish questions”.

The guy wanted honor and respect, recognition thanks to creativity, but hesitated of the hobbies even more. Never any hint flew from its language, nothing gave the dishonoring secret. In the habitual circle of Klot similar occupations were awarded with sneers, and at guys, at all, were considered as feminity manifestation. You should not have spoken also about love to books if it is not ready to hear scornful: “Where this буквогрыз went?” But, if nevertheless catch behind reading, it is necessary to tell lies and minimize a shame: “In a year I read one”. Then grumpiness of an opener of secrets will be replaced by satisfaction – recognizes in you the brother: “Well, and that? If the book good, then it is possible to prolong pleasure”, – the benefactor will agree. As it is sad, and among Alexander’s acquaintances it was honourable to make buldge out the ignorance and at the same time to teach children: “Do not forget about lessons, and that you will be as I to drag bags”, – you hear proud remarks of parents, but not about advantage of knowledge. Going on a lie perfectly understand – study do not study, and similar comes from similar, and to the son of the bigwig of bags the same is prepared, but all the same we go on and we teach, it is so accepted, otherwise, why once listened to manuals of fathers. And happen to talent to escape from dirt, it turned in the opinion of already former colleagues into the weakling who is afraid of work, the ninny at once, and it is obligatory how it is paradoxical, in the uneducated fool. What to write or read, admit there that you have coffee, it is terrible – will call the bourgeois, the working class is obliged to play about a chifirok.

“Perhaps, it on a surface, and everyone has the secret world, as at me. For certain, the real people are behind trite jokes, alcoholism and abuse. But why we hesitate to prove to be, we despise everything sublime? As, probably, it is pleasant not to hide generous impulses and to receive in a praise award, but not reproaches”.

…Listening to rustic snore Black, Alexander went more and more surely until painfully did not prick in a leg. Constraining groans, it bent, pulled out a bra fastener from a foot.

“It broke off it, perhaps?”

On his abuse close fuss, muffled mutter responded. Having turned over on other side, the friend hooted, has a fit of coughing and again snored.

“Yes, it you will wake”.

Without having kept from temptation, Klot once again attentively studied phone Black. “To such and where there, at least over time to update the system unit in a leg”. As it is possible put a tube back more accurately. Just in case removed the devastated vase with fruit now filled with wrappers of candies and bits from edge of a small little table.

Having leaned back on a back of a chair, Klot shifted from a table to a window sill so nobody and not noticed books, drew a curtain. “Bulgakov, Dostoyevsky, Nekrasov”, – were appeared through through shabby fabric of a surname of writers.

“How you managed? Prompt a way to a pedestal near you”.

At random took the first novel, opened also at random. Words, – nothing superfluous – everything is clear and clear to a thought.

“Talent or persistent work? And what moved to begin? – Alexander extorted from interlocutors silent, severe by sight, without guessing the feature which is available for him, without foreign councils moving him to the purpose namely: possession of neither tolerable, nor average, and absolutely intolerable life. Compatibility incompatible always has unexpected and interesting result. Well, unless whom you will surprise with the journalist or the philosopher who wrote the book? Another matter if manages it the person who is torn off from high culture poorly educated, with a harmful environment. From under such hands there is something live, unlike to all the rest, something standing, besides, contrary to knowing nearly from the bottle up all rules of arts and is strict adhering to them, and therefore creating something average little significant, and often in general unclear to most of people. And, above all, given rise for art, so by it, in any case, speak, perceive creativity as a duty from which any person always wants to slip away. The deprived options do not doubt what they will devote the lives to. Means, honor stick to them together with inheritance, they have no need to be zealous, try: both wrote, and will descend; but will not publish – let it pass, with creativity; around abundance of interesting. Nobody advised Alexander, helped, learned, but the originality living at him inside asked outside, demanded that told of it to the world.

Wishing to learn tracks of the famous classics, Klot once again plowed the websites, studying biographies, diaries and habits great, in passing introducing the coming across reviews of electronics in bookmarks: plasma TVs, video cameras, cameras ….

What pushed people to creativity, biographers did not know, but thanks to them Klot understood why he is afraid to write – fear not to cope and inability to admit to itself it: “And suddenly it will not turn out and it is necessary to start anew? How to be if offers are not connected, paragraphs and all book?”

Alexander wandered, having assimilated to the little boy in a dark cave, having the feeling of shchekotyashchy, catching horror known for everything got lost: “Perhaps there is no exit, and I am doomed to remain in eternal darkness!” – the despair, but when daylight from round the corner flashes leans, the joyful hope overflows soul and not to find in the world more happily than saved. Today Alexander understood the main thing, so, saw the light: sooner or later it should send stories to edition. They will be read, to impartially estimate, try to discover defects, so, it is time to stop playing upon words and to write to a table, time of persistent work came: numerous readings of the text, infinite editing of compound sentences, unsuccessful phrases. That is the moment came, to turn inaction into a heavy burden, an opposite duty. On the way to success the pleasure did not have more place. Primitive excuses about the reached a limit ink in a cartridge of the printer and shortage of funds for its gas station were forbidden – besides paper there was a computer screen. Also there are no reasons to stop process. Issued opened the real depth dividing the guy from the planned purpose. The way presented in the beginning to lungs was full of the hidden obstacles. It became obvious: or to stop aimlessly wandering about the fictional worlds and to be engaged seriously …, or to stop writing. For a minute Alexander wanted to choose the second, easy, but he already passed line of a non-return, dug more deeply, than followed. Awareness of range of distance is already a half of any way.

Having torn off a newspaper piece, wrote down the first instruction: “To listen as people speak, to remember anywhere and everywhere, in movies, on the street, in line for bread, on the way for work…, to listen to dialogues. To learn it is correct to hear”.

Klot did not manage to reach the paragraph in the story as still piece of paper with a new mark was added: “To remove excess words, to develop restraint in style, to delete the unnecessary, not bearing loadings, repetitions. To get rid of the phrases interfering with perception of the main thing, delaying on themselves attention. To leave exclusive what will play later a certain role without what the text will fall down”.

Soon paper scraps with similar records it saved up a great lot. Клот regained consciousness, not persons interested to be appeased, the thoughts which are continuously climbing in the head were activated. Crowding, shouting, they required to themselves attention, were afraid to remain forgotten, did not allow to develop a plot. Near scraps of notes, the huge notebook laid down. Suddenly come phrases, separate words were introduced in it, for the time being they could not be held in the head.

Imperceptibly for himself Alexander stepped into long journeys, having left behind dreams and fears. He was not afraid of either critics, or the websites any more. Клот began to understand about what the father marked to it – transparent words bore great secret sense.

“Sing the song the poet, sing …", – his lips slightly were considerably moved and already scanty dawn looked in the chilled windows.

Only craft

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