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Publish an interesting mix
ОглавлениеI believe a great blog delivers variety. This section offers ideas to vary the content of your blog to make it interesting to more people.
How to posts—The “how to” post is the most common style because it’s so well received. Deliver valuable insights on how to accomplish something more effectively, and you’re bound to produce magnetic posts.
List posts—List posts work. Create them often.
Resources posts—Resources posts aim to enlighten readers by listing helpful books, blogs, shows, products, services, apps, or any type of resource.
Roundups—A roundup is a resource post, but instead of pointing readers to resources, you pull the resources into your story. A popular example is a post where an expert panel is asked the same question.
Interviews—Interviews are great for bringing various points of view and personalities to your blog. You might vary the form by presenting written, audio, and video interviews.
Stories—Storytelling takes practice, so start small. Open with an anecdote, prediction, flashback, a conversation you heard, a joke, whatever. Your stories will get richer and more personal, and your blog will get more interesting.
Contrarians—Take a contrarian stance now and then. Tackle myths, mistakes, and misconceptions. Express your stance.
Curation—Curation is presenting the works of others. It doesn’t mean your brain gets to go on vacation. Put some effort into it. You can tee-up favorite stories with an explanation of why you like them. Roll a collection of ideas together to support a story you want to tell. Present opposing views.
Reviews—Be a voice of authority and an industry curator by reviewing books or any form of media. Review anything you deem relevant and potentially useful.
Guest posts—Invite guest bloggers to contribute to your blog. When you make friends on your blogging journey, offer to trade guest posts. Or find someone with writing chops who would welcome the opportunity to find a new audience.