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To my wife, Alisa, for her constant love and support. To my children, Aidan and Lorelei, for inspiring me to be better than I am. And to my parents, John and Ava, for teaching me to care passionately, to question intensely, to explore fearlessly, and to read well.

I miss you, Dad.

—Seth Stoughton

To my daughters, Elizabeth and Patricia. Both of you are beautiful, loving, and brilliant. I will forever be in awe of you, and I love you both deeply.

—Jeff Noble

To my children, Angie, Amanda, Ryan, and Cory, and brother Spencer who have all challenged and tested me. To Peter Martin, Ian Stewart, Damien Hayden, and Bob Gee from the Queensland Police Service, and to Mark Hiron from New South Wales, who have all been mentors and friends. To Paul Mazerolle, who gave me the opportunity to conduct research in Australia. I would be remiss if I didn’t thank Jeff Rojek, Scott Wolfe, Kyle McLean, Justin Nix, Louise Porter, and Justin Ready for being such great work partners.

—Geoff Alpert

Evaluating Police Uses of Force

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