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It’s hard for me to believe that it has been so many years since Creative Visualization was first published.

At the time I was thirty years old, and just in the process of discovering my life’s work. For a number of years I had been an active seeker, dedicating myself to exploring Eastern philosophy and Western psychology in an attempt to discover the deeper meaning and purpose of my life. Certain ideas and techniques I had learned were, in fact, having a profound effect on my awareness and my way of living.

I’m the kind of person who, once I discover something meaningful, simply can’t help telling everyone who’s willing to listen. So I found myself beginning to counsel people and lead small groups and workshops, teaching the concepts and exercises that were helping me solve my personal problems and expand my awareness.

It occurred to me that it might be a good idea to write these things down in a little book that I could make available to my students. As I was writing the book, I experienced alternating waves of creative enthusiasm and self-doubt, thinking, “Who am I to write a book telling people how to find greater happiness and fulfillment in life? I’m certainly no expert. My life isn’t perfect.”

My friend Marc Allen helped me get through the rough spots, encouraging me to stop worrying about it and just focus on my creative process. We decided to publish the book ourselves, even though we had very little knowledge of publishing and even less money. Somehow we managed to get the book out there in a few bookstores.

The rest is history. People seemed to love the book, and it sold by word of mouth. Gradually over the next few years it became a bestseller, and continues to be very popular to this day, all over the world. I think one reason for its popularity is that it is short, simple, practical, and has techniques that readers can begin using immediately and effectively.

It has been extremely satisfying to receive thousands of letters telling me how much this book has helped people with specific and sometimes serious problems. I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to contribute in this way.

My work has blossomed right along with the book. For many years I have been leading workshops all over the world, and I have written and published several other books. Creative Visualization helped me find my path in life, just as it has helped others.

The time has come for a new revised edition. I have made relatively few changes, simply trying to clarify certain points, deepen certain concepts, and generally update it.

If you are already familiar with the first edition, I hope you enjoy the changes. If this is your first experience with Creative Visualization, may it help you create all that your heart and soul desire.

Shakti Gawain

May 2002

Creative Visualization

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