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I met Shakti Gawain in Berkeley, California, in 1974, when we were both in our twenties. Shakti had just spent two years working her way around the world, traveling overland across Europe and Asia. She had spent several months in India, and her experiences there had a deep impact on her life. We quickly discovered we had a lot in common, including a deep dedication to personal development, a fascination with integrating the spiritual and psychological wisdom of East and West, and a strong desire to make a positive difference in the world.

In 1977, we co-wrote and published a little book called Reunion: Tools for Transformation. We had no capital and very little business experience, but after each small step we took, the next step became obvious. Looking back, it feels as if we were led by spirit every step of the way.

In 1978, Shakti wrote her first book, Creative Visualization. We initially printed two thousand copies of the book. We had to borrow money to pay the printing bill. I don’t recall that we spent anything at all on promotion; I don’t think we sent out even one review copy. But the print run sold out, quickly, purely by word of mouth. Booksellers kept telling us that people would come in, buy a copy, and return a few days later and want five or ten copies to give to their friends. The book initially sold itself — I’m sure it was because of Shakti’s clear, beautiful writing as well as the solid content of the book. It was the kind of book people wanted to read and reread, the kind of book people kept in a special place and cherished for everything it had given them. It was the rare kind of book that helps people make wonderful changes in their lives.

We started to get deeply touching letters from readers very soon after publication. Each one had a story. Story after story began to pour in. One of my favorites summed up the feelings of many readers:

Other self-help books I’ve read have made me feel as if someone was pointing a finger at me and telling me, “This is how it is!” But Shakti took me by the hand, led me into a beautiful garden, and handed me a bouquet of flowers, one at a time. Quietly, gently, and with great caring. Thank you for a beautiful book.

Creative Visualization has now sold more than six million copies — more than three million in North America, and at least another three million throughout the world in thirty-five foreign editions. It has proven to be a seminal work with global influence. The book launched Shakti’s career as an internationally known and loved speaker and seminar leader, and it launched my career as a publisher as well. The book has shown us both how to visualize and create success, and I am eternally grateful that Shakti had the vision and courage to write it.

It is my hope and prayer that reading Creative Visualization will help you create exactly the kind of life you want, so that you’re truly fulfilled, prosperous, healthy, and filled with creative energy. You hold in your hands a book that has helped a great many people improve the quality of their lives.

Marc Allen

June 2002

Creative Visualization

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