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Tip 24 Wash Dishes or Empty the Dishwasher


It is a simple thing to do and yet one that we resist so much! I am amazed at how much better I feel when the kitchen is free of dirty dishes. Somehow a dish drain of clean dishes doesn’t bother me as much as a pile of dirty ones. Do you feel the same way?

For immediate gratification, set your timer for 10 minutes and wash as many dishes as you can! You can also easily load the dishwasher in 10 minutes. If the dishwasher needs to be emptied, unloading the dishwasher only takes a few minutes and then it’s ready for refilling.

For the pots, pans, knives, and cutting boards that you don’t put in the dishwasher, washing as many as you can during the remaining 10 minutes will go quite quickly if you race yourself or make a game out of it. This is a great way to enroll children in the process too. Kids can race to see who empties the dishwasher and who clears the table faster. Just be sure that there are penalty points for broken dishes.

Notice how much better you feel when the kitchen is clear of dirty dishes piling up on the counters or in the sink!

The 10 Minute Tidy

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