Читать книгу The 10 Minute Tidy - Shannon McGinnis - Страница 29

Tip 25 Match Up All Storage Containers


Oh, the chaos of plastic storage containers! This could be one of the most satisfying areas to organize in your entire home! Most kitchens have a drawer or cabinet where these containers get thrown, never to be matched up again. Today is the day! Now is the time! This is actually quite fun if you think of it as a puzzle.

First, decide what your strategy is. Do you want to only keep one kind or brand of storage container? Do you want to store the glass ones somewhere else? Perhaps you want to get rid of everything and start over with a new, color-coded, complete set. If this is the case, I would recommend recycling as many containers and lids as your local recycling program will accept. Then wipe out the area and start with a clean slate.

Pam uses the “as-seen-on-TV” plastic container system that has all the same lids with 3 different sized containers, all stored on a rotating base. This is such a great solution, I bought one for myself at Kmart™ for about $20. It fits in cabinets easily and I love it!

If you want to continue to use the storage containers that you have, then start by shape. First match up all of the rectangular containers. Then move on to the square containers. Next are the round containers and there are usually more of these: bowls, cups, and to-go mugs. Again, be realistic about how many you need of each and only keep the ones that have matching tops and bottoms that you will use.

Any extra tops or un-matched bottoms can be recycled or thrown away. Plastic storage containers that have been stained, melted or scraped should be recycled or thrown away to prevent bacterial contamination.

Enjoy being able to easily find the matching top and bottom to your plastic storage containers from now on and repeat this 10-Minute Tidy as needed!

The 10 Minute Tidy

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