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Wondering whether it will feel as bad as it did the first time?


Secondary infertility can be less stressful (you have a child), no different, or more stressful (you have a child who requires your time and efforts). Coping with secondary infertility after the stress of infertility sometimes seems unbearable. Perhaps you thought that despite the five years of trying to conceive baby number 1, baby number 2 would just miraculously appear one day. Sometimes that is the case, and conceiving and giving birth to number 1 seems to open the floodgates. More often than not, however, patterns tend to repeat themselves, including the pattern of primary infertility.

The obvious answer is to try the exact same plan that worked for you the first time after you have eliminated things which may have changed and introduced different barriers to pregnancy. If you want to try on your own, hoping for the possible reprieve from Infertility, Part 2, go ahead. But, for your peace of mind and for the sake of giving yourself the best opportunity within a reasonable amount of time, set some parameters. If you haven’t conceived naturally within six months to a year (less time if you’re over 40), consider going back to the drawing board and/or the original “architect,” whether that be your primary physician, OB/GYN, or reproductive endocrinologist.

Until you’ve given the tried and tested method another go-round, this probably isn’t the time to switch doctors, switch protocols, or go out on a brand-new limb. Give the old method at least a few tries before discussing moving to different options with your physician or before you discuss moving to a different physician with your partner.

If it took fertility treatments to conceive, that does not automatically mean you need to return to the same treatment. Maybe less aggressive methods are needed for the second pregnancy.

Getting Pregnant For Dummies

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