Читать книгу Richard Rive - Shaun Viljoen - Страница 4


Published in South Africa by:

Wits University Press

1 Jan Smuts Avenue




Copyright © Shaun Viljoen 2013

‘Mapping’ from The dream in the next body by Gabeba Baderoon, Cape Town, Kwela. 2005. Reproduced by permission of Kwela Books.

Bertolt Brecht, ‘An die Nachgeborenen’ (To Those Born Later)

© Bertolt-Brecht-Erben / Suhrkamp Verlag.

First published 2013

ISBN (print) 978-1-86814-743-4

ISBN (EPUB - IPG) 978-1-86814-824-0

ISBN (EPUB - ROW) 978-1-86814-825-7

ISBN (PDF) 978-1-86814-744-1

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher, except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act, Act 98 of 1978.

Edited by Alison Lockhart

Proofread by Lisa Compton

Cover artwork © George Hallett

Cover design by Michelle Staples

Book design and layout by Michelle Staples

Wits University Press and the author have made every reasonable effort to contact and acknowledge copyright owners. Please notify the publishers should copyright not have been properly identified and acknowledged. Corrections will be incorporated in subsequent editions of the book.

Printed and bound by Interpak Books

Richard Rive

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