Читать книгу From Disarmament to Rearmament - Sheldon A. Goldberg - Страница 10



AAFCE Allied Air Forces, Central Europe
ACA Allied Control Authority
ACC Allied Control Council
ACS Assistant Chief of Staff
AEAF Allied Expeditionary Air Forces
ANCXF Allied Naval Expeditionary Forces
AOR Area of Responsibility
APG Advanced Planning Group
BTO Brussels Treaty Organization
CCMS Control Commission, Military Staff
CCS Combined Chiefs of Staff
CENTAG Central Army Group
CDU Christian Democratic Union (West Germany)
CFM Council of Foreign Ministers
CINC Commander in Chief
CICEUCOM Commander in Chief, European Command
CINCEUR Commander in Chief, Europe
CJCS Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
COMAAFCE Commander, Allied Air Forces, Central Europe
COMNAVFORGER Commander, US Naval Forces Germany
COS Chief of Staff
COSSAC Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander
DCS Deputy Chief of Staff
EAC European Advisory Commission
EDC European Defense Community
EDC-IC European Defense Community - Interim Commission
EDF European Defense Force
ETOUSA European Theater of Operations, United States Army
EWP Emergency War Plan
FRG Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)
FY Fiscal Year
GSO General Staff Officer
HICOG High Commissioner for Germany
HICOM High Commission
HQ Headquarters
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
JSPC Joint Strategic Planning Committee
JSSC Joint Strategic Survey Committee
JWPC Joint War Planning Committee
LANDCENT Land Forces, Central Europe
LSU Labor Service Unit
MAAG Military Assistance Advisory Group
MAP Military Assistance Program
MDAP Mutual Defense Assistance Program
MSB Military Security Board
NAC North Atlantic Council
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NHT Navy Historical Team
NIE National Intelligence Estimate
NORTHAG Northern Army Group
NSC National Security Council
OKH High Command of the Army (German, World War II)
OKL High Command of the Air Force (German, World War II)
OKM High Command of the Navy (German, World War II)
OKW High Command of the Armed Forces (German, World War II)
POW Prisoner of War
PPS Policy Planning Staff
RAF Royal Air Force
RCT Regimental Combat Team
SACEUR Supreme Allied Commander Europe
SCAF Supreme Commander Allied Forces
SHAPE Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
SHAEF Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces
SPD Social Democratic Party (West Germany)
T/O and E Table of Organization and Equipment
UK United Kingdom
UN United Nations
USAAF United States Army Air Force
USAFE United States Air Forces, Europe
USAREUR United States Army, Europe
USEUCOM United States European Command
USFET US Forces European Theater
USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
WEU Western European Union
WSC Working Security Committee
From Disarmament to Rearmament

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