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The Longest Hatred




Copyright 2017 Sheldon Cohen,

All rights reserved.

Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-2895-6

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I am a first generation American. In 1904 my maternal grandmother and her three month old daughter (my future mother) left , Poland (pronounced Tiktin in Yiddish) and immigrated to the United States. My mother would claim to be born in Rochester, New York, her first residence in the New World. In her old age when the United States had the hundredth anniversary celebration honoring Ellis Island she changed her story, bragging that she had passed through the famous Island as an infant. My four year old father also arrived in 1904 from Tiktin.

As a youngster I heard stories about how my grandparents “fled the Czar.” At the time, Tiktin was a town in Poland under Russian dominance in a large geographic area known as the Pale of Settlement where Jews were forced to live. This area encompassed portions of a number of different Eastern European countries.

As I grew up, I heard other stories about my heritage including one told to me by my maternal grandmother about how, as a young child, she witnessed pogroms, including the beheading of a Jew by a sword wielding “Cossack” on horseback. From my step-paternal grandmother I learned of her twelve brothers and sisters lost in the Holocaust of World War II. She was fortunate enough to marry my paternal grandfather, a widower, in 1904 and they immigrated to the United States to escape the anti-Semitism of Czarist Russia. She left behind what would eventually become her 12 siblings, all of whom would perish in the holocaust. She told me this story when I was a young teenager, and it had a profound impact upon me. Later in life, I learned from my uncle’s daughter that my maternal grandfather deserted the Czar’s army rather than face the persecution of the Jewish soldier. Captured right before he was hoping to leave and join his family in the United States, a compassionate Russian guard said, “Let the young man go. His family is already there.” To that guard, I owe two more aunts, an uncle, and six cousins.

An interest in learning more about my heritage surfaced after I retired and had more time to reflect on such matters, so I studied the history of the Jews in Europe and their struggle with anti-Semitism, Hitler, World War II, the anti-Nazi partisan resistance, and the Holocaust. After much study I put together a non-fictional account of the history of anti-Semitism and World War 2, and a fictional account of Jewish families living through difficult times. I hope the reader will find it all informative and interesting.

Although the book has past relevance, in the present era of terrorism and rising anti-Semitism it has current relevance as well. He who fails to learn from the lesson of history is doomed to repeat it.


This book utilizes two different fonts:

Bold font represents actual historical events.

Regular font represents fictional events.

In this manner, I hope to clearly delineate between the actual history and its interwoven fiction


I dedicate this book to

A THREE PART BOOK: Anti-Semitism:The Longest Hatred / World War II / WWII Partisan Fiction Tale

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