Читать книгу A THREE PART BOOK: Anti-Semitism:The Longest Hatred / World War II / WWII Partisan Fiction Tale - Sheldon Cohen - Страница 5

CHAPTER 1 Russia 1944 Last Jewish Partisan Battle


Albert Tepper and Sam Rosen knew that the coming battle would be their last. After more than three years of deadly struggle, the Jewish partisans, in conjunction with the Russian army in Byelorussia planned their last battle. The Nazis were in flight. The Russian army had turned the tide finally, and Hitler’s dream of a rapid victory had evaporated as his military was fleeing the tenacious advance of the Russians.

As the Germans fled, they passed through partisan territory where Albert and Sam and their multiple Jewish and non-Jewish colleagues armed with dynamite, rifles, pistols and machine guns awaited them with glee. The Germans would die before ever getting out of the territory they invaded three years ago with the idea that victory would be swift—three weeks at the most.

The partisans took up positions ahead of the retreating Germans and waited. Their signal would be the sound of Russian guns coming ever closer. As they waited, they did what they were good at in order to slow the fleeing Germans; destroyed rail tracks, bridges, laid booby traps and anything necessary to slow the hated enemy and entrap them between the Russian army and themselves. When the enemy was close enough, the Partisans would turn their attention to the retreating Germans and make sure that they would remain, for all eternity, in the Russian territory that they coveted. It took the partisans less than thirty minutes to accomplish that goal.

The guns fell silent. The partisans slowly and warily left their positions. They gathered together alternately crying, laughing and hugging each other.

It took a few minutes until Sam finally noticed that Al was not amongst them. He looked many times in all directions. Panic overcame him. Oh my God, he thought, did his best friend who was born on the same day as he, who he grew up with, who he loved like a brother, fall in battle—for them the last battle of the war!?

A THREE PART BOOK: Anti-Semitism:The Longest Hatred / World War II / WWII Partisan Fiction Tale

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