Читать книгу A THREE PART BOOK: Anti-Semitism:The Longest Hatred / World War II / WWII Partisan Fiction Tale - Sheldon Cohen - Страница 6

CHAPTER 2 Berlin 1896…Birth of Albert and Sam


Early in the afternoon of April 19, 1896, Ms. Frieda Tepper and Ms. Hilda Rosen entered the Berlin maternity hospital within thirty minutes of each other. The 26 year old Jewish ladies were assigned to the labor room to monitor their vital signs and the progress of their first birth. Their nervous husbands paced back and forth in the adjacent waiting room. Both women experienced definite uterine contractions and were monitored by experienced obstetrical nurses. The impressive new medical facility had rows of single beds lined up against opposite walls and was located just down the hall from a sign that read Delivery Rooms from which a pleasant antiseptic smell would waft down to the labor rooms when the doors opened.

“Let’s hope we get to that sign pretty quick,” grimaced Frieda to Hilda immediately after her most painful contraction yet.

“Amen,” answered Hilda in a calm voice and compassionate expression delivered between contractions.

Frieda and Hilda occupied neighboring beds. Thus they naturally struck up a friendship as their labor contractions progressed and intensified. They learned that they lived less than one half mile apart, were both married almost two years, were both Jewish, born in Poland, emigrated to Germany, attended the same synagogue (The Neue Synagogue) and hoped that their first child would be a girl. They both agreed, “Whatever it turns out to be, Gott es Willen (God willing), as long as the baby is healthy. We’ll meet again after this is all over so we can gloat over our daughters.”

Although Frieda and Hilda recognized one another, they had never been close friends. That would change now with the closeness and intimacy of a first birth binding them together for the future.

Midnight passed. The discussion between Frieda and Hilda dwindled as each became more aware of and focused upon the irresistible task at hand. Their contractions increased in frequency, duration, and intensity, Frieda’s son was born at 2:30 A.M. Hilda’s son followed approximately 2 hours later. The date was April 20, 1896. And…

Adolph Hitler was born exactly seven years earlier on the same day, April 20, 1889.

In the Hebrew bible (Genesis 17:10-14), God issues a command to his patriarch Abraham to be circumcised: This is My covenant, which ye shall keep between Me and you and thee: every male among you shall be circumcised. And you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin and it shall be a token betwixt Me and you. And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every male throughout your generation, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any foreigner that is not of thy seed.

And so it would be. The two babies, born eight days ago, their mother, father, grandparents, family and friends would all be there to celebrate this rite of passage performed by a Mohel, one specifically trained and certified in this discipline. Once completed, the Jewish heritage of Albert and Samuel were fixed in time for the rest of their lives, and their friendship would forever grow…

A THREE PART BOOK: Anti-Semitism:The Longest Hatred / World War II / WWII Partisan Fiction Tale

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