Читать книгу The Pearl Jacket and Other Stories - Shouhua Qi - Страница 12

You Are My Only One


Wei Jinshu

Both Honghong and Qingqing are very good girls. Honghong is outgoing while Qingqing is quiet, each charming in her own way. That makes it so difficult for me to choose. Even though nowadays it’s really no big deal for a man like me to be going out with two girls at the same time, I still don’t want them to know.

In matters of love women are more devoted than men. They are most dead serious about their feelings and least tolerant of their men hot in love with one in the morning and chasing after another in the evening. I have to juggle between the two girls with extreme care.

If I have to choose between Honghong and Qingqing, then, I’m more inclined toward Honghong because she seems to have a lot more going for her. Yet what I am not happy with is Honghong has been ambiguous with me. We’ve been going out for months and she won’t even let me kiss her. Qingqing is quite different. She is so devoted and soft like water and we have been thick and cozy together. If I have to break up with her, I would find it hard to tear myself away. Since my relationship with Honghong is yet to be secured, under the circumstances, Qingqing isn’t a bad backup, or runner-up.

In order to win Honghong’s heart, I decided to write her a love letter. I’ve been in love ever since I was 14 and writing love letters is my specialty. Despite my knack and expertise in love letters, I still went all out in drafting this particular one. I pondered over each word and sentence long and hard and polished things left and right so the whole thing flowed lyrically, sounded smart, and throbbed with passion. Even I myself was touched by it when I read it over one more time. I gave this letter a title: “You Are My Only One!”

In the letter I recalled every single beautiful moment we shared together, retraced the steps of our emotional journey, and projected how beautiful our life together would be. I emphasized over and again that she was my one and only love, which I would cherish in my heart forever and ever. I thought that upon reading this letter, Honghong had to be touched profoundly. About this I was one hundred percent positive.

Having finished the letter I sighed with relief. Then, it suddenly occurred to me that I hadn’t mailed the letter for Qingqing that I had written a few days ago. So I took it out and intended to take it to the post office together with this new letter.

As I was putting the letters into the envelopes I thought: I should mail the one for Honghong first and see how she will respond? If my letter really moves her and wins her heart, Qingqing won’t be that important any more. And that touchy-feely letter for Qingqing, well, there will be no need to send it anymore. If, I mean if, Honghong remains unresponsive, it won’t be too late to mail Qingqing’s letter. Only a few days’ difference.

Yes, that’s the way to do it. Once I made up my mind, I sealed the letter for Honghong resolutely, hurried to the post office, and tossed the letter into the mail box.

Once home I held the letter for Qingqing in my hand and, since I didn’t have much else to do, I pulled the letter out of the envelope. Just one glance and I jumped up in shock. Right in front of me on the very top were these words: “You Are My Only One!”

Damn! This was the letter intended for Honghong. Which meant I had put the letter for Qingqing into Honghong’s envelope.

I bolted up and went flying to the post office hoping that I could take back the wrong letter. I got there in time to see the green postal truck disappearing around the corner, leaving behind a dusty cloud. I almost fainted.

It’s all over. It’s all in Heaven’s hands now. I hated myself so!

The following day the most feared thing happened: Honghong’s reply letter arrived. At this time, somehow, I became calm, resigned to my fate.

I opened the envelope and pulled out that familiar color paper. In front of me was Honghong’s neat and graceful handwriting:

Ah Ming:

How are you? Oh, how I miss you!

I am so touched by your deep, heartfelt feelings for me and so grateful. Do you know that my feelings for you are just as deep and heartfelt? Oh, I will never forget for the rest of my life the beautiful time we have spent together ever since I got to know you. Yes, Ah Ming, thanks to you, I feel life is so beautiful, so rich and colorful, and, Ah Ming, I feel so happy and happy!

Please remember, Ah Ming: You are mine and I will love you forever: You are my one and only love. . . .

With loving kiss, Yours,


I couldn’t help but smile and then shake my head. I took out the cigarette lighter, lit up the beautiful letter, and watched it wither into a black roll as those tender words evaporated in dreamy whitish smoke.

My name is not Ah Ming. My name is Ah Qiang.


The Pearl Jacket and Other Stories

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