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Nest of Oat Stalks


Cao Naiqian

All is quiet under the sky. The bright Moon Granny shone on the threshing ground. On the side of the oat stalks stack facing Moon Granny he made a nest for her and himself.

“After you.”

“After you.”

“Then let’s get in together.”

Together he and she crawled in. The nest collapsed. The collapsed stalks fell over their heads.

He raised his arms to hold the stalks. “Forget about them. It’s not bad.” She nestled in his arms and said: “Ugly Brother must hate me so.”

“No, I don’t. Darkie Kiln is richer than I am.”

“Who cares about his money? All I want is to save money so Ugly Brother can marry a woman.”

“I don’t want your money.”

“But I want to save for you.”

“I don’t want it.”

“You have to want it.”

He could hear she was on the verge of crying and didn’t say another word.

“Ugly Brother,” she said a while later.


“Ugly Brother, give me a smooch.”

“Don’t do this to me.”

“I want to.”

“I’m not in the mood.”

“I want to.”

He could hear she was on the verge of crying again and bent to kiss her cheek. Silky, soft.

“Wrong place. Here!” she pouted. He bent and kissed her lips this time. Cool, moist.

“What does it taste like?”

“Oat cake.”

“Wrong, wrong. Why don’t you try again.” She pulled his head low.

“Still like an oat cake,” he considered and said again.

“Nonsense. I’ve just had candy. Try again!” She pulled his head low again.

“Candy! Candy!” He exclaimed right away.

Neither said anything for a long while.

“Ugly Brother.”


“How about . . . how about me doing that with you today.”

“No, no. Moon Granny is watching outside. That won’t be right. Our Weng Kilnville girls never do that.”

“Okay, we’ll wait then. Wait till I’m back.”


Neither said anything for a long while. All was quiet except for the footsteps and sighs of Moon Granny outside.

“Ugly Brother.”


“It’s kismet.”


“Our kismet is not good.”

“Mine is not good. Yours, good.”

“Not good.”


“Not good.”


“Not good at all!”

He heard tears in her voice this time. Tears rolled out of his eyes, strings of big warm teardrops, and fell on her cheeks.


The Pearl Jacket and Other Stories

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