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Sienite della Balma


Igneous rock (syenite). Colour: violet with black spots. Minerals: potash feldspar (orthoclase), plagioclase, amphibole (hornblende), biotite, piroxene (augite), quartz. Decay morphologies: scaling. Geology: Valle Cervo pluton (late-alpine, Oligocene) of the “Sesia-Lanzo Zone” (meta-morphic rocks, mainly micaschists). Quarry: near the village of Balma (valle del Cervo, Biella province). Use: polished slabs for cladding of residential and public buildings (Palazzo delle Colonne, façade made of very thick slabs with point chiseled surface in a T-shaped building with a porch of ten couples of shafts of Granito di Santo Stefano (Sardinia), G. Muzio – G. Greppi 1940, Milan).

Monument Future

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