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Rosso di Lèvanto


Metamorphic rock (ophicalcite). Colour: dark red ground with very irregular white calcitic veins (a variety shows a dark green ground instead of red). Minerals: serpentine, calcite. Decay morphologies: roughening, chromatic alteration. Geology: “Ofioliti liguri”, a group including serpentinite, serpentinized peridotite, gabbro euphotide, diabase and ophicalcite (Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous). Quarry: spread along the coast of Eastern Liguria (Lévanto, Bonassola etc. La Spezia province). Use: mainly polished slabs for cladding, moulded elements were also employed as jambs and lintel in portals and doors (Palazzo di Giustizia, flooring).

Monument Future

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