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The Recommendation these Travels have been favour'd with from yourself and other good Judges, as a History admirably adapted both to the Entertainment and Instruction of the Reader; and your Commands upon me to translate it, lay me under the strongest Inducement to claim your Patronage.

And I humbly conceive that your Retirement from that AGENCY, during which you perform'd so many National Services in cultivating a mutual good Understanding and Commerce between Old and New England, as justly gain'd you the Love and Applause of those who truly understand the Interests of both People, gives you the more Leisure to receive a Dedication.

It must be own'd that bright Accomplishments, acquired and improv'd in European, as well as American Universities; The Elegance of your Taste, both in Men and Books; The Politeness of your Conversation; Your Esteem for the Sciences, which are so delicately interwoven in the following Narrative; Your Knowledge in the Belles Lettres; Your long Acquaintance with the Beau Monde; And, what is equal to all, Your generous Disposition to do Good to Mankind;, are Qualities which would have continued you very useful and ornamental in a Public Station.

Yet I take Leave to congratulate you on your Preference of a private Life; since not only an innate Principle of Honour, but an easy Fortune, set you above the Temptation of soliciting Employments, and subjecting yourself to Dependencies which often prove Snares to the best of Men, by causing them to deviate from the sacred Paths of Truth and Justice. This probably was the Reason you lately declin'd acting as an Inspector of a GREAT COMPANY'S Affairs, an Office of no little Trust and Confidence, and to which you was unanimously elected by the General Court.

I heartily wish you Health and long Life for the Pleasure and Profit of all your Friends, and especially of,


Your most obedient

October 11, 1732. humble Servant, STEPHEN WHATLEY.

The Travels and Adventures of James Massey

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