Читать книгу The Travels and Adventures of James Massey - Simon Tyssot de Patot - Страница 5




To M * * *


These are the TRAVELS you heard so much talk of, and was so desirous to see. By what Chance the Manuscript fell into my Hands, I will let you know another time: As soon as I had dipp'd into it, I could not help reading it from the Beginning to the End, and found so many curious and important Passages in it, and so many instructive Dissertations on several Points of Philosophy, as gave me abundant Satisfaction. Many of my Friends, Men of excellent Sense and Learning, have express'd equal Approbation of it, so that I dare say, Sir, you will read it with the same Pleasure.

I own to you that at the first Reading I suspected the Author had taken a Traveller's Privilege of mixing a little Romance in his Relation; but when I perus'd it again, and consider'd it a little more particularly, I found nothing in it but what was very natural, and highly probable. And that Air of Candour and Simplicity we meet with every where in the honest old Gentleman the Author, has fully convinc'd me.

There are Passages indeed, in certain Conversations upon Points of Religion, which, at first, a little shock'd me, but upon a closer Examination, and finding that the Author, who always was a great Champion for his own Religion, has generally expos'd their Weakness or Falshood, I thought there was nothing in it that could startle a Man well instructed in the Christian Faith, which, God be prais'd, is too well establish'd to fear any thing from the Attacks of Libertines or Infidels: Consequently, we have no need to have recourse to mean Artifices for concealing the force of the Arguments made use of against us, as if we had a bad Cause to defend.

I am, &.

The Travels and Adventures of James Massey

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