Читать книгу The Travels and Adventures of James Massey - Simon Tyssot de Patot - Страница 6



CHAP. I. Of our Author's particular Studies and Profession; with an Account of his Embarking, and his first Shipwreck on the Coast of Spain.

CHAP. II. The Author's Stay at Lisbon, &c.

CHAP. III. Of the Author's Second Voyage, and his Shipwreck upon an unknown Coast.

CHAP. IV. The Author, with only two Comrades, leaves the rest of the Company, and penetrates into those unknown Countries. The Obstacles he meets with in his Passage, &c.

CHAP. V. Continuation of the Adventures of the Author and his Comrades, till they came to an Inhabited Country.

CHAP. VI. Of the Discovery of a very fine Country, its Inhabitants, their Language, Manners and Customs, &c. and of the Esteem which our Author and his Comrades gained there.

CHAP. VII. A curious Conversation between the Author, the Judge, and the Priest of the Village concerning Religion.

CHAP. VIII. The Author is carry'd to the King's Court. He traces the Origin of those Monarchs; describes the Royal Palace, Temple, &c.

CHAP. IX. Which contains several very curious Conversations betwixt the King and our Author.

CHAP. X. Containing the Ceremonies at the Births and Burials in this Country, the manner of administring Justice, and many other Remarkables.

CHAP. XI. More Adventures of the Author, and his Comrade, till their Departure from Court.

CHAP. XII. The Author leaves this fine Country; the Ways he contriv'd to get out of it. He meets again on the Sea-Side with some of the Ship's Company with whom he had formerly been cast away upon the Coast, &c.

CHAP. XIII. Containing what happened to the Residue of the Ship's Company, during the Author's Absence; and the rest of their Adventures 'till their Departure from this Country.

CHAP. XIV. The Author's Passage from the Southern Countries to Goa, where he was imprison'd by the Inquisition. The Story of a Chinese whom he met with there, and the Manner how they got their Liberty.

CHAP. XV. Of the Author's Departure for Lisbon: How he was taken and carry'd into Slavery, and what happened to him while he was a Slave.

CHAP. XVI. Continuation of the Adventures of Peter Hudde who is mention'd in the second Chapter; and the Author's Arrival at London.

The Travels and Adventures of James Massey

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