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Optus in Australia


In November 2014, Travis was traveling to Australia for the first time to speak at Ashton Media's conference, the Data Strategy Symposium, north of Sydney in an area known for its wine, Hunter's Valley. It's a great conference put on by Mark Abay and his Ashton team.8

Before travelling, Travis sent out a tweet to his friend @ChrisBrinkworth asking if T-Mobile had service there, as he was feeling a bit unprepared for international travel and need to figure out his SIM card situation. The local phone carrier, Optus, was doing some social listening and tuned into the conversation. Paolo from @optus (Figures P.8, 9, and 10) sent a couple of tweets to Travis, instructing him to drop by once he arrived in Sydney and they could set him up with their prepaid options.9

Figure P.8

Figure P.9

Figure P.10

“Sweet,” Travis replied. “Nicely done. Consider this a conversion, Paolo.” He then recommended that Optus connect with @MiaD, my former boss at Symantec, who was also speaking at the same conference.

Well, when Travis arrived in Sydney, he saw the Optus store and was ready to buy a SIM card for the trip. However, when Travis walked up to the store, an Optus employee, Jordan Zac, said, “Hello, Travis. Welcome to Australia. We've been waiting for you.”

“What?!” Travis was blown away (Figure P.11) by the customer service already. But wait, it gets better. Jordan handed Travis a huge Optus bag, and inside it were some Australian items, such as a six-pack of Victorian Bitter Beer, some flip-flops, some delicious Tim-Tam cookies, some Vegemite so he could make a sandwich, some other gadgets and gizmos, and, best of all, a free 4G hotspot with 10 GB of free data for the trip.

Figure P.11 Optus Australia

In case you were wondering if they had a system in place to serve others this way, they gave Mia Dand a similar experience (Figure P.12).

Figure P.12

Optus gave Travis the free hotspot since Apple and T-Mobile wouldn't unlock his iPhone 5S, so they went the extra, extra mile and hooked him up. Talk about digital sense. Travis has been back to Australia twice since then, and guess which phone carrier he uses?

The moral of these two stories is that digital sense goes both ways. It can infuriate a customer or inspire them. It is also possible to gain real momentum out of a major commitment to redeem your organization when you have failed to have digital sense in the past.


Travis Wright, “Data Strategy Symposium,” Ashton Media, YouTube video, 59:24, from Data Strategy Symposium, February 9, 2015, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xosapBvUeQ4.


Optus Twitter page and Travis Wright's Twitter feed, accessed May 14 2015, https://twitter.com/search?q=%40teedubya%20%40optus&src=typd.

Digital Sense

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