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1 God’s divine comfort


The death of a loved one always comes as a shock – whether it was sudden and unexpected, or whether it was expected. In these circumstances it often seems as if you have entirely lost contact with reality. The sorrow over and the finality of your loss threatens to overwhelm you with a sense of loneliness and heartache with which you can hardly cope. Over and above your sorrow and pain, you realise that difficult decisions have to be taken and radical changes are demanded of you. This only goes to aggravate your sense of utter loss.

Even though at this moment your loss is painful and practically unbearable, you must cling to God’s promise tenaciously, As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you (Isa 66:13). When God’s children cry out in pain, “Why?”, He answers with his comforting, “I am with you; I will strengthen you!”

Victor Hugo said, “Sorrow is a fruit. God does not make it grow on limbs too weak to bear it.” Therefore, when you struggle with your devastating pain after the loss of a loved one, you can draw rich comfort from the Scriptures and from the experience of others who have tearfully trodden the same sorrowful road.

A wise man said to a sorrowing friend, “I didn’t come to comfort you – that only God can do! I have simply come to tell you how deeply and sincerely I feel with you in your hour of great loss.”

People who genuinely care cannot bring the comfort which will heal your shattered heart, but God can use them as a channel for his divine love and comfort.

Quietly trust in God from day to day. He will grant you his divine comfort, like a spring rain in a barren wilderness. If you have trusted Him when your tree of life stood gloriously covered with breathtaking spring blossoms, you may trust Him even now in the cold winter of your sorrow.

Apart from God there is no hope for real and lasting comfort.

I plead for the comfort which

You alone can give, dear Lord.

Heal my shattered spirit and grant me to

see through my tears the rainbow of hope.

In the conquering Name of Jesus, my Lord.

Do not be dismayed,

for I am your God.

I will strengthen you

and help you;

I will uphold you

with my righteous right hand

(Isa 41:10).


— Anne L de Stael.

Rainbow through my tears

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