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6 How will I ever cope with my sorrow?


For many years Job enjoyed the respect and love of his children and in return he gave freely of his love and tender care. In spite of his confusion and sorrow in the dark hour when he lost them all to death, he bore no thought of rebellion against God in his heart.

To rebel against our “unhappy fate” (as it is sometimes incorrectly called) is in actual fact revolt against God Himself. Death is part of God’s plan for our life. Acceptance of it in faith is a sign of Christian maturity. Of this acceptance C S Lewis said, “A man can accept what Christ has done without knowing how it works; indeed: he certainly won’t know how it works until he’s accepted it.”

To turn away from God is to bear your cross of sorrow and pain alone and without the support of others. This simply leads to despair. It causes a rift between you and God, because a rebellious heart resists God’s love and comfort. Neither can your problem be solved by immersing yourself in your daily task. This would be like taking a tranquillizer to still your pain: at its best it brings but temporary relief, it does not address the cause of your problem. The more we deceive ourselves, the more unbearable and painful the truth becomes. God never puts his children in a fiery furnace without being there with them. If we do not learn and do not grow spiritually in our times of tribulation, our suffering holds only loss. The experience of thousands of God’s faithful children proves this to be the optimal time for growth, on condition that one struggles through it with the right attitude of mind.

The only way in which a Christian can cope with his or her sorrow is to follow the example of our Lord and Master: accept life calmly, courageously and with dignity, raise your cross with a fearless heart and a straight back. Deliverance from grief is found in the certainty that the true meaning of life is not found on this side of Calvary or the grave, but on the other side!

Dear Saviour and Redeemer,

even though I haven’t all the answers,

I have You and your love.

I cling to You in these moments of sorrow,

in the steadfast knowledge that your love

will keep me from despair.

“Shall we accept good from God, and

not trouble?” In all this,

Job did not sin in what he said

(Job 2:10).


— Milo L Chapman

Rainbow through my tears

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