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4 To whom do I entrust my sorrow?


All things are possible for those who place their trust in God!

As your trust increases, you will experience the faithfulness of God in your life in increasing measure. God is filled with compassion and sympathy for you and He will never fail you – not even in your deepest sorrow and agony. He only expects you to trust Him totally and unconditionally.

The greater the burden of the pain you carry, the greater becomes your need for somebody whom you can trust implicitly. Only God Almighty can fulfil this demand. He wills for you only what is good, and only He is capable of transforming evil into good, sorrow into joy and tears into laughter.

The fact that you are ignorant as to the way in which He will change your life, is no excuse for not trusting Him. God never makes a mistake and every experience along your way completes a part of the tapestry He is weaving with your life.

We usually trust our doctors unconditionally even though we do not understand the surgery which they may conduct on our bodies. Why not, then, trust the omnipotent and loving God with your life? One aspect which underlines suffering and loss anew, is your inability to understand what has happened to you and to predict what the future holds. It is exactly at times like these that an unshakeable trust in God gives you the peace of mind you are searching for so desperately. God will carry out his plan in your life and eventually you will come to exclaim in amazement: He has done everything well!

The greater your trust in God, the more bountiful your rewards will be as you receive what you have asked of Him. Thomas Merton underscored a deep spiritual truth when he said, “Ultimately, faith is the only key to the universe. The final meaning of human existence and the answers to the questions on which all our happiness depends, cannot be found in any other way.”

God transforms the sorrows of those who trust Him whole-heartedly into joyful songs of deliverance.

Lord and Master,

I lay myself, my sorrow

and my confusion at your feet,

in the silent faith that your will

shall be done in my life.

Commit your way to the Lord;

trust in him and he will do this

(Ps 37:5).


— Augustine of Hippo

Rainbow through my tears

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