Читать книгу Brain Fitness for Women - Sondra Kornblatt - Страница 14

Is Your Brain a Boy or a Girl?


Here's a stunning revelation: men and women are different. But what differences are the results of nature (the brain and biology) and what differences are the results of nurture (parenting and culture)? Male and female brains have been compared for over a century, but the excitement really heated up in the past decade, as new tools have measured brain activity, sizes of brain areas, and behavioral responses.

News about the differences between men's and women's brains popped up everywhere—from John Gray's Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus and Louann Brizendine's The Female Brain to Discovery Health and Newsweek. All of these sources said that brain differences, present from birth, are what make men and women distinct. Even a former president of Harvard said that, based on brain research, women didn't have the brains for math and physics.16

These new discoveries were accepted by the media and public, but they were publicized without rigorous analysis. Recent scrutiny questions the validity of the studies and the hidden assumptions beneath the results.

Brain Fitness for Women

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