Читать книгу Nursing and Health Interventions - Souraya Sidani - Страница 74 Conduct of Primary Studies Overview


The decision to conduct a primary study to understand the health problem is made when: (1) there is a small number of studies that investigated the problem, thereby limiting the knowledge of the problem experience and its determinants; (2) the quality of available studies is appraised as low, which may be related to a range of conceptual and methodological concerns, such as unclear definition of the health problem, omission of theoretically important determinants, and use of measures with questionable reliability and validity; and (3) available studies have not investigated the health problem in the client population and context of interest, raising questions about the relevance and applicability of available evidence to the target population and context.

The primary studies can be prospective quantitative, qualitative, or mixed (quantitative and qualitative, concurrent, or sequential) method. Mixed‐method studies are promising in generating a comprehensive, in‐depth understanding of the problem as experienced by the target population in the particular context of interest.

Nursing and Health Interventions

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