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The science of sex includes the study of sexual activity and "what makes you tick" so to speak. Indulging in the science of sex can bring some insight into what would work best between you and your partner, in regards to what would bring about the most pleasurable of intimate experiences. Since this can differ widely, depending on the person, it makes sense that the science of sex would cover a wide variety of topics. These topics include what an individual would prefer to see or experience during their sexual acts, what type of mindset an individual has to be experiencing in order to achieve arousal, and exactly why certain things are more attractive to them in a sexual sense.
For many people, a sex drive is consistently present throughout their lives. This includes when they get older. It's true that many people tend to lose their sex drive way later in life, such as in their 80's to 90's, but many people do tend to keep a decent sex drive even after they lose the ability to reproduce. That being said, it makes sense that sexual acts may hold a different importance for most people, rather than only for the act of reproduction. Since human beings as a whole tend to associate sex with certain triggers of arousal, the first step to figuring out why this is could lie in an evaluation of their personal tastes and experiences.
There are numerous positive facts behind sex, which include health benefits in the indulgence of sexual acts. For starters, men who have sex at least three times per week are likely to decrease their chances of having a stroke or a heart attack. In fact, the likeliness of having a stroke or heart attack can easily be reduced by at least 50 percent! It's also believed that having an orgasm on a regular basis can actually decrease pain in general, such as aches that the body usually gains from sleeping.
Even doing something as small as having sex once per week instead of once per month you can easily see an increase in a positive outlook on life, not to mention enjoy the many health benefits of having a healthy sex life. Studies have even shown that women who enjoy sex tend to enjoy a longer life, versus those women who do not enjoy sex as much. Since having sex regularly can make you feel younger, it's this positive mindset that helps reduce stress and frustration brought about from a life full of difficulties. It only makes sense that you could potentially live longer when you're actually taking the time to stop and smell the roses.
The study for the science of sex incorporates all of this. The science of sex also follows certain theories that surround sex and is very largely based on gender. Gender differences play a huge part, not only in the actual act of sex, but also in the reasoning that human being's have for certain gender responsibilities. For example, it has always been the stereotype that women are more likely to be dominated and that men are meant to be the ones who dominate. This may have been true long ago, back when men were more in tuned with their more raw and instinctual side.
Nowadays, the tables have turned a bit, as far as gender roles go. Dominant women are more common, although not necessarily the most likely type of sexual personality. In fact, it's not unheard of for a timid and quiet person in their business life to be very loud, outgoing, and extremely sexually charged in their personal life. Many would say that this individual would be "leading a double life" but it has become quite the norm for people to be able to separate their love life and their professional life.
It has been said that the biggest and most important sexual organ is the brain, rather than the person's reproductive organs. Without the brain, it would be impossible to achieve sexual arousal, let alone achieve climax during sex. For many people, particularly women, it is important for them to have the right state of mind in order to enjoy sex. Having the right state of mind is crucial for enjoying yourself and for wanting more sex in the future. It has also been said that women do not have as much on their mind, as far as sexual acts go. Women may think of sex once or twice per day, but it is widely believed that men have sex on their mind quite often. Some men may even think about something sexual once every few minutes or so, depending on how high their sex drive is at that point in time.
The science of sex includes many tips of the act and how to better it for yourself and your partner. Since sex, as far as science goes, covers every aspect of it, this comes to as no surprise. For example, women may be more inclined to enjoy sex when their partner gives them compliments that make them feel more comfortable and relax more. Try complimenting the way she looks, smells, feel, and so on. Using the senses to describe a woman in a positive light will make them feel more inclined to indulge in more adventurous acts of sex, since their confidence will allow them to do so.
One of the most interesting aspects of the science of sex is the study of orgasms and what part of the brain is affected by them. It is true that when an individual has an orgasm, whether they are male or female, it affects more than just their mind, but also their entire body tends to feel a "shock wave" sensation. The study of sex covers just why a person tends to react that way, the difference in the sensation of reaching orgasm based on gender, and what the environment must be like for one to achieve it.