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What the Mother Wants to Bring About


Words of the Mother

What I want to bring about in the material world, upon the earth.

1. Perfect Consciousness.

2. Integral Knowledge, omniscience.

3. Power invincible, irresistible, ineluctable; omnipotence.

4. Health, perfect, constant, unshakable; perpetually renewed energy.

5. Eternal youth, constant growth, uninterrupted progress.

6. Perfect beauty, complex and total harmony.

7. Inexhaustible unparalleled riches, control over all the wealth of this world.

8. The gift of healing and giving happiness.

9. Immunity from all accidents, invulnerability against all adverse attacks.

10. Perfect power of expression in all fields and all activities.

11. The gift of tongues, the power of making oneself understood perfectly by all.

12. And all else necessary for the accomplishment of Thy work.


Words of the Mother

I wish

(1) personally to be eternally the perfect expression of the Supreme Divine,

(2) that the supramental victory, manifestation and transformation should take place at once,

(3) that all suffering should disappear for ever from the worlds present and future.


All Life Is Yoga: True Leadership

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