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Outer and Inner Discipline and Organisation


Words of the Mother

Without outer and inner discipline, one can achieve nothing in life, either spiritually or materially. All those who have been able to create something beautiful or useful have always been persons who have known how to discipline themselves.


Words of the Mother

Without discipline no proper work is possible.

Without discipline no proper life is possible.


Words of the Mother

No big creation is possible without discipline – individual discipline, group discipline, discipline towards the Divine.


Words of the Mother

There must be order and harmony in work. Even what is apparently the most insignificant thing must be done with perfect perfection, with a sense of cleanliness, beauty, harmony and order.


Words of the Mother

Regularity: indispensable for all serious accomplishment.


Words of the Mother

The famous Genoese sailor Columbus set sail from Spain to cross the unknown seas of the West. For days and weeks on end, in spite of the murmurs of his companions, he persisted in his will to reach a new land; in spite of delays and difficulties, he would not give up until he had reached the first American islands. Thus he discovered the New World.

What did he ask of his companions? He asked them only to have patience, for they had simply to rely on him and quietly allow him to lead them. But what did he himself need to reach his goal? He needed the sustained energy and the unremitting will that we call perseverance.


Words of the Mother

A clear and precise vision of what is to be done and a steady, calm and firm will to have it done are the essential conditions for an organisation to be run properly. And as a general rule, never ask from others the virtues you do not possess yourself.


Words of the Mother

Idea: essential for all organisers; on its quality depends the quality of the organisation.


Words of the Mother

No institution can live unless it is progressive.

The true progress is to come always closer to the Divine.

Each year that passes must be marked by a new progress towards perfection.


Words of Sri Aurobindo

Systematise we must, but even in making and holding the system, we should always keep firm hold on this truth that all systems are in their nature transitory and incomplete.


All Life Is Yoga: True Leadership

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