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Integral Faith and Patience


Words of Sri Aurobindo

In all Yoga the first requisites are faith and patience. The ardours of the heart and the violences of the eager will that seek to take the kingdom of heaven by storm can have miserable reactions if they disdain to support their vehemence on these humbler and quieter auxiliaries.


Words of the Mother

People do not know how important is faith, how faith is miracle, creator of miracles. If you expect at every moment to be lifted up and pulled towards the Divine, He will come to lift you and He will be there, quite close, closer, ever closer.


Words of the Mother

It is by persevering that one conquers difficulties, not by running away from them. One who perseveres is sure to triumph. Victory goes to the most enduring. Always do your best and the Lord will take care of the results.


Words of the Mother

Heroism is to be able to stand for the Truth in all circumstances, to declare it amidst opposition and to fight for it whenever necessary.

And to act always from one’s highest consciousness.


Words of the Mother


(1) To do always what is most beautiful and most noble.

(2) To act always from the height of one’s consciousness.


All Life Is Yoga: True Leadership

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