Читать книгу Unchained - Stacey Chatman - Страница 7

The Morning After


Early the next morning, Dawn called me to see how I was doing. I told her that she should not have left me. I told her that Marco raped and beat me. Dawn asked me if I wanted to go to Pennsylvania and visit my mother. I said, yes. I told Marco I was going home to see my mother. He gave me a blank stare. I packed an overnight bag and when my cousin arrived, I left.

During the 3 hour drive, I was quiet. Dawn talked about her evening with her boyfriend. I listened. All I could think about was the beating, sodomy, and rape I had endured. When we got to my mother's home, Dawn and I discussed a time for her to pick me up the next day. I grabbed my bags and went into the house.

I was excited to see my mother and step-father simply being normal. My mother was cleaning and cooking. My step-father was watching T.V. I said; “hello” and sat on the couch.They each asked how I was doing and I said’ “fine”. I did not say a lot, just watched T.V. and engaged in light conversation. Frequently, I would get up and walk into my bedroom and lie on the bed and rest.

That evening at dinner, my step-father looked at me and said; “Stacey, what happened to your lip?” I said, “Oh, I accidently hit myself”. He looked away and finished his meal.

After dinner I went to visit my grandmother. Her health was declining. I sat and talked with her about anything she wanted to talk about. She spoke about what she wanted to accomplish in life and how she felt held back. She often spoke to me about not achieving any of her goals in life. My grandmother could sing, dance, cook, and spoke fluent French. She told me her greatest accomplishment was raising kids; however her facial expression showed disappointment, not a sense of accomplishment.

After visiting with my grandmother, I went back home and watched a movie with my mother and step-father and went to bed. The next morning, I was quiet, ate breakfast, relaxed, and early that afternoon, Dawn picked me up and we were back on the road to Virginia. Before leaving, I promised my mother that I would call once I arrived home.

As promised, once I arrived home, I called home. When my mother answered the phone, I told her I made it home safely. My mother said, “Stacey, I want to ask you something.” I said, “ok.” She said, “Is Marco beating you?” I could not speak. My mother said; “George, said he noticed your lip and knew that you were being beat.” My mother asked, “How long has this been going on?” I said “two years.” She said, we have to get you out of there. I said’ “how?” She said, “I will call your Aunt Mia and I will be in touch.”

The next morning, my aunt contacted me and asked me if the physical abuse was true. I told her; “yes!” She said, “Your mother wants you out of this!” My aunt asked; “Why did you not tell anyone?” I said, “Because I did not trust anyone”. My aunt, got quiet and said, “By the end of the weekend, you will have to come live with me.” I said; “ok!” I broke down in tears.

Marco was going to be attending a study session at Howard University for most of the upcoming weekend. During the week, I planned with my aunt, the belongings I would take. Saturday morning came, my demeanor was normal to Marco. Before he left the apartment, he grabbed my arm and said; “if you should leave this apartment to even take out the garbage, I will beat you when I return!” Once he left, I called my aunt! She was there within an hour! We loaded the van with the belongings and I was gone! I cried, sobbed and wept all the way to Woodbridge.

The next day, I received a call from Marco and his voice was shaken. He said; “I can’t believe you did this to us?” He said; “I will make it work for us.” I said; “ok!” He said; “I would like to see you one last time.” I said, “ok. I can arrange a visit within the next week with my family waiting outside. He said; “ok.” We hung up and I sobbed.


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