Читать книгу Unchained - Stacey Chatman - Страница 9

The Transition


I stayed at my aunt Mia's house for about a month. I did not own a car and the daily commute from Woodbridge to Arlington became difficult. My cousin, Dawn and I became roommates and rented an apartment in Alexandria, Virginia. I focused on work and rebuilding my life without Marco.

While at work, David Johnson, The Lenny Kravitz of GMU Law School, would stop by my desk to see how I was doing. He noticed I had difficulty adjusting to the transition. One day he asked me out on a date. I was flattered. We went to dinner near the Boston Mall in Arlington, VA. It was the Christmas Holiday Season. After dinner, we choose to go inside the mall and window shop. As we stopped and glanced at the Christmas decorations, we glanced at each other, his eyes stared into mine and he leaned towards me and his lips touched mine. My heart began to beat so FAST! He was so damn FINE!

After the date, David and I began seeing each other more frequently. After he would get finished with his classes, he would stop by the apartment. I would de-stress him by giving him a massage. I would ask him if he had dinner. If not, I would make him dinner. Sometimes David was too tired to drive home so he would study at my apartment. David would share with me the pressures of being a Law Student. David was Vice President of the BLSA, Black Law Student Association. In addition to studying, he was responsible for organizing student events. I was addicted to him. I was always marveled by David's eyes. His eyes illuminated determination, persistence, success, and boldness. David had an unstoppable presence and energy about him. I wanted what he had and I did not know how to get it! I was jealous of him. This jealousy caused us to have a love – hate type of relationship that revolved around great sex.

After he was finished studying, we would go to my room and have the most passionate sex; the all night long type of sex that would have me yearning for more. This type of sex made me late for work and made him late for school. Damn! IT was Good! I was addicted to him!

David's family dynamics were different than mine. David had a nuclear family in which there was much support emotionally and financially. David's parents supported him financially while he studied Spanish at William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. After he received his Undergraduate degree David enrolled in The George Mason University School of Law. I was also envious that David had a family that supported his educational endeavors. These were moments that I felt like I was at a disadvantage from other people that had a supportive environment.



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