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“Sherri, I’d like to see you sometime...”

Neill then added, “Socially, I mean. Dinner perhaps?”

How could Neill possibly think he could make up for the past and what they’d lost by inviting her out to dinner?

Yet his voice, his openness as he looked at her and his uneasy smile—they were all so familiar. Sherri waited to see if he’d rub the back of his neck after running his hands through his hair.

When he did, a rush of feeling—long held hostage by her fear—flooded to the surface. It was as if he’d never been gone. She stepped back in shock and disbelief.

How could he still have this effect on her?

She had to stop herself from reaching for him, for everything his love had once offered her. “Dinner? That’s hardly necessary,” she said over the blood pounding in her ears. She leaned against the wall for support, hoping he didn’t notice her apprehension.

When would she ever be free of these feelings? It had been twelve long years since she’d seen him…since he’d seen her. And still, he held the power to make her want him.

The Doctor Returns

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