Читать книгу The Doctor Returns - Stella MacLean - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

Having friends enriches our everyday experiences by encouraging us to be who we are and to share our lives with those who believe in us. Yet finding a true friend means trusting another person to care about us despite our shortcomings.

Neill and Sherri had been best friends in high school, a friendship that over time became a love affair. But loving someone doesn’t guarantee happiness. Sherri and Neill’s love would have been lost forever but for the friendship they’d shared before they fell in love. The memory of how much they’d once trusted each other becomes the starting point from which they’re able to rekindle their love.

The Doctor Returns takes place in Eden Harbor, a fictional town on the coast of Maine, and begins what will be a series of stories about the lives of those who live and love in a place of magnificent beauty and shared family values.

For those of you reading this book, my one wish is that you have been blessed with close friends who have made your world a brighter place.

If you’d like to contact me, I would be delighted to hear from you. My website is www.stellamaclean.com and my email address is stella@stellamaclean.com. I can be found on Facebook at www.facebook.com/stella.maclean.3 and on Twitter, @Stella__MacLean.


Stella MacLean

The Doctor Returns

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