Читать книгу The Harriman Book Of Investing Rules - Stephen Eckett - Страница 3
ОглавлениеThe people we invited to contribute to this book are, without exception, busy professionals whose expertise is in strong demand. When asked to give up their time for no compensation, they might easily have declined for any number of reasons. They didn’t. Instead, they contributed freely and enthusiastically. We are grateful to them, and hope that they think the effort was worthwhile.
We also thank them for producing such thought-provoking rules. One of our worries when we started was that the book would end up with 150 versions of ‘Cut losses and run profits’! As it turned out, the material was far more interesting and diverse than that. In all cases the personality of the contributor comes through strongly, confirming that investing is more than the dry science it is sometimes assumed to be.
Thank you, too, to everybody at Harriman House who helped on the book, especially to Myles Hunt and Claire Wright, and to the other individuals who covered for us while we buried ourselves in the project - in particular Suzanne Anderson, Ansobe Smal, and Alec Harkness.
Philip Jenks, Stephen Eckett