Читать книгу Respiratory Medicine - Stephen J. Bourke - Страница 105
Multiple choice questions
Оглавление1 3.1 The volume of gas in the lungs after a full expiration is: residual volumetotal lung capacity minus residual volumefunctional residual capacitytidal volume plus functional residual capacityvital capacity minus residual volume
2 3.2 Lung function test results of: FEV 1 reduced, FEV 1 :VC normal, KCO reduced would be most in keeping with: kyphoscoliosisidiopathic pulmonary fibrosispulmonary hypertensionasthmaCOPD
3 3.3 Arterial blood gases of pH 7.32, PCO 2 8.0 kPa, PO 2 13.0 kPa, sHCO 3 28 mmol/L, O 2 saturation 97% are most in keeping with: a chronic metabolic acidosisan acute on chronic metabolic acidosisan overcompensated metabolic alkalosisan acute on chronic respiratory acidosisa chronic respiratory acidosis
4 3.4 Given arterial blood gases of pH 7.32, PCO 2 8.0 kPa, PO 2 13.0 kPa, sHCO 3 28 mmol/L, O 2 saturation 97%, one could confidently conclude that: the patient is breathing supplemental oxygenthe patient has COPDthe patient needs to be transferred to ITUthe condition is chronic and stablethe lungs are normal
5 3.5 A 24‐year‐old woman presents to hospital as an emergency with breathlessness. Her arterial blood gases while breathing room air are pH 7.49, PCO 2 2.9 kPa, PO 2 12.5 kPa, sHCO 3 24 mmol/L, O 2 saturation 97%. This presentation is most in keeping with: pulmonary embolismanxietyopiate overdoseexcess vomitingpneumonia
6 3.6 A 46‐year‐old man has an FEV 1 that is only 80% of the predicted value: his exercise capacity will be approximately 80% of age/height‐matched peershe will be 20% more breathless than age/height‐matched peershe has airway obstructionthis is consistent with the absence of any lung disease at allit is likely that he smoked
7 3.7 A reduced forced vital capacity (FVC): always accompanies a reduction in FEV1can be seen in muscular weakness even when the lungs are normalcannot be present if slow (relaxed) vital capacity is normalsuggests lung fibrosisis a bad prognostic marker
8 3.8 In diseases causing weakness of the respiratory muscles, the pattern of lung function disturbance expected would be: reduced FEV1, relatively normal FVCnormal FEV1:FVC ratio, reduced KCOreduced FEV1 and FVC, increased KCOnormal lung functionincreased FEV1:FVC ratio
9 3.9 Transfer coefficient (KCO) would be reduced in the following conditions: obesityCOPDpulmonary haemorrhageasthmathyrotoxicosis
10 3.10 In muscular dystrophy affecting the respiratory muscles, the following physiological findings would be expected: reduced FEV1reduced FVCreduced TLCOreduced KCOreduced TLC