Читать книгу Beginning Software Engineering - Stephens Rod - Страница 12
ОглавлениеSoftware engineering isn't always the most exciting topic, so in an attempt to keep you awake, I picked some of the examples in this book for interest or humorous effect. (If you keep this book on your nightstand as a last-ditch insomnia remedy, then I've failed.)
I mean no disrespect to any of the many talented software engineers out there who work long weeks (despite the call for sustainable work levels) to produce top-quality applications for their customers. (As for the untalented software engineers out there, their work can speak for them better than I can.)
I also don't mean to discount any of the development models described in this book or the people who worked on or with them. Every one of them represents a huge amount of work and research, and all of them have their places in software engineering, past or present.
Because this book has limited space, I had to leave out many software development methodologies and programming best practices. Even the methodologies that are described are not covered in full detail because there just isn't room.
If you disagree with anything I've said, if you want to provide more detail about a topic, or if you want to describe the techniques and variations that you use to build software, I beg you to join this book's Wrox P2P forum and tell everyone all about it. The people on that forum are trying to improve their development skills, so we'd all love to hear what you have to say. (In fact, learning and improving the development process is a stated requirement for many agile methodologies, so joining the forum is practically mandatory!)
Finally I mean no disrespect to people named Fred, or anyone else for that matter. (Except for one particular Fred, who I'm sure retired from software development long ago.)
So get out your reading glasses, grab your favorite caffeinated beverage, and prepare to enter the world of software engineering. Game on!