Читать книгу Beginning Software Engineering - Stephens Rod - Страница 6
ОглавлениеThis book describes software engineering, the tasks that you must perform to successfully complete a software project, and some of the most popular developer models you can use to try to achieve your goals. It doesn't cover every last detail, but it does explain the overall process so that you can figure out how you fit into the process.
This book does not explain every possible development model. Actually, it barely scratches the surface of the dozens (possibly hundreds) of models that are in use in the software industry. This book describes only some of the most popular development approaches and then only relatively briefly.
If you decide you want to learn more about a particular approach, you can turn to the hundreds of books and thousands of web pages written about specific models. Many development models also have their own organizations with websites dedicated to their promotion. For example, see www.extremeprogramming.org, agilemanifesto.org, and www.scrum.org.
This book also isn't an exhaustive encyclopedia of software development tricks and tips. It describes some general ideas and concepts that make it easier to build robust software, but its focus is on higher-level software engineering issues, so it doesn't have room to cover all the clever techniques developers use to make programs better. This book also doesn't focus on a specific programming language, so it can't take advantage of language-specific tools or techniques.