Читать книгу We Who Survived - Sterling Noel - Страница 2



Marge sat on the edge of the navigation table and told me the lid was about to blow off.

“You’ve got to do something, Vic!”

I knew what was going on. You can’t keep twenty-odd people cooped up in a contraption no bigger than a streetcar month after month, with nothing outside but never-ending, blinding snow—possibly oblivion—and nothing to occupy their minds but the terrors they had escaped—and those yet to come.

The pressures were building—jealousy, love, sex, anger were ripping apart the unity we so desperately needed.

“What do you want me to do?” I asked in exasperation. “They’re adults—they know what the score is.”

“They don’t know,” Marge yelled. “And you’d better figure out something or we’re all going to kill each other!”

We Who Survived

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