Читать книгу Answer Cancer - Steve Parkhill - Страница 10
ОглавлениеIt’s thought that creates our destiny. If things go wrong, it’s an act of mind.
We’re not going to waste any time getting to the mind model I’ve been talking about. The good stuff starts once we see how this thing works. It’s then that we can look at life through the model and see what’s really going on. We will share the specifics of what has caused cancer in individual lives. We will see what’s discovered when a chronic pain sufferer, one doctors have given up on, is healed through a process that properly applies this model.
If you haven’t caught on yet, we are going to confirm that the mind is the body’s controlling force. Hippocrates himself said that the body’s natural tendency is toward health. In other words, if a body is left alone, it will naturally continue to function in a way that is self-lubricating and self-correcting. Almost everyone agrees on this. But it’s right here that medicine takes an interesting turn. When this healthy tendency is interfered with, medicine by its own design looks outward at the physical for the interference. What huge numbers of people now understand is that the interference is an inside issue. It’s thought that creates our destiny. If things go wrong, it’s an act of mind.
Let’s look at this mind model and start to understand how the mind, body and spirit work together to affect health. I will be using graphics to help paint this mind model for you. Take some time to animate the graphics with your mind.
These are mechanisms of the mind I’m describing, and in reality there is action and movement. Experiencing this “mind flow” is your responsibility until I get the video version completed! Review this mind model slowly and repeatedly. This could be the most power-packed explanation for life happenings you have ever seen.
You may notice that as we learn the model, it starts out quite mechanical. As we master the mechanics, it grows very tool-like. We get good with the tool and a playful friendship develops. That grows into something purposeful. And quite suddenly, it brings us to God. This is a wonderful moment for the healer. Because of its progressive nature, you can ‘’plug into the model” at whatever level of connectedness you feel comfortable. This model can help you find peace as you start the healing process. It’s time; let’s start right now to look into this model.
From the graphics, you will notice we see the Conscious Mind as a shell that surrounds the Subconscious Mind. In this way the Conscious Mind actually shields the Subconscious Mind from the outside world. We will be starting from the outside and working our way in.
The Conscious Mind is the Rational, Analytical part of the mind. It’s the thinking, judging part of the mind. If you are into the old Star Trek series, it’s the Spock mind. If we think of his character, he made us very aware of his incredible decision-making power. He could offer a logical explanation for everything. Yet despite all this analytical ability, anyone who ever watched a couple of those episodes knew instantly that Spock was missing something more important than any intellectual ability. He was missing heart-emotions.
Rationality is a very important part of the mind when we learn how this model works. Humans must have a reason for everything. Our ability to rationalize our actions is what keeps us sane. You may ask yourself what it is that puts a person in a mental institution. Many may say it’s a matter of whether a person is a danger to himself or others. Well, that’s not it. Some of the kindest people you may ever meet can be found in mental institutions. And there are, no doubt, some dangerous characters walking the streets free and clear.
The answer lies in a person’s ability to rationalize his actions. As long as a person can rationalize his actions, that person will be found sane by nearly all professional measures. A smoker smokes peacefully as long as he can rationalize this action. A smoker will say that he smokes because it is relaxing and helps the person focus. What’s the truth? The truth is that cigarettes raise heart rate 17 percent and hand tremors as much as 300 percent. So much for help relaxing. And how about their help with focus? Cigarettes take away a hand (a person only has two at the most), require constant attention and consume 30 or more percent of conscious resources while a person manages the act of smoking. The point here is that obviously cigarettes can do nothing more physically than distract us and make us nervous. But as long as the rational mind can fabricate a reason for the actions, it remains at some level of peace. Here we learn the mind’s rationalizing faculty needs no truth that aligns with the universe’s laws. As long as our rational mind can come up with some reasoning for our actions, we will be at peace. If a person can no longer rationalize his actions, the tremors created will rattle the person as well as everyone around that person.
Besides being our Rational/Analytical mind, the Conscious Mind is where we harbor Will Power. How many times have you tried to change the same habit by mustering enough Will Power? Our first clue that Will Power cannot affect internal change is that it’s not part of the inner mind! There is an adage that says, “When will and imagination meet, imagination wins.” That’s because Imagination is part of the powerful, inner mind and Will is part of the weak, Conscious Mind. Healing a person isn’t a matter of helping a person win some battle of inner voices through the mustering of Will. It’s changing old perceptions stored in a goal-achieving Subconscious Mind so that they sing in harmony with a newfound conscious intent. Mustering Will is not the answer that we have been led to believe.
The next part of the Conscious Mind is Temporary Memory. It is a weak and finite memory. I want to hold this weak, Conscious Memory in contrast to the powerful and unlimited capacity of the Subconscious Permanent Memory. When people, young or old, say they have a poor memory or a mind like a sieve, they are wrong. The fact is they have an excellent and permanent memory. They’re just using the wrong one! And there’s usually a good reason for that. If a person cannot easily access his Subconscious, Permanent Memory, it’s because a very important piece of equipment is standing in the way. It’s the most important part of the Conscious Mind. It has everything to do with internal change. Because of its importance, we’re going to save it for later.
The last thing I want to point out about the Conscious Mind is that overall, it’s a weak mind when compared to the Subconscious Mind’s power.
Now let’s look into our Subconscious Mind. And before we get into an inventory of what we find here, I’d like to point out two characteristics of the Subconscious Mind. First, and in contrast to the Conscious Mind’s weakness, the Subconscious Mind is the single most powerful goal-achieving agency known to man.
The second characteristic of the Subconscious Mind is that it cannot judge a suggestion. Judgment is a conscious function. The Subconscious Mind, like a fertile plot of soil, will grow anything that’s planted--no questions asked. Listen again! The single most powerful goal-achieving agency known can’t judge a suggestion. Hold on to that thought as we continue our look into the Subconscious Mind. Again, the single most powerful agency known to man can’t judge a suggestion. Those two traits are important to everything else we learn about the Subconscious Mind.
Now let’s take inventory of the Subconscious Mind. The Subconscious Mind is where we harbor Imagination. Imagination is more than creativity. Imagination is also our perception of the world around us. Everybody has a perception of the world. Everybody’s perception is different. And even though a person’s perception has nothing to do with universal or godly truth, to the individual, his perception is the truth! To make this point, we can take two people off the street, stand them shoulder to shoulder, and to one person, the world has never looked more bleak. We’re overpopulating our planet, there’s nothing left to the ecology, all the money is in the hands of a few at the top, the world is ready to end.
Now the other person, maybe after years of hard work on a personal vision, has finally received financing and is ready to cut the ribbon on a new family business. To that person the world has never looked brighter and never held more opportunity. At the exact same moment in time, two diametrically opposed perceptions of the world exist. Yet the world has not changed. And what each person sees is real! So Imagination is our perception of the world around us. It has nothing to do with His ultimate truth. It’s just a perception. As for the individual, once a perception is installed at the subconscious level, the single most powerful goal-achieving agency known to man accepts it as fact and makes it so!
Now, if Imagination is our perception of the world around us, we are a part of that world. So we hold a perception of who we are. This is how we define that over-franchised term, Self-image. Likewise, this perception has nothing to do with the realities of our truest potential. It’s just a perception. But once installed at this level, it becomes our truth. The Subconscious Mind works to achieve a Self-image this way: I can connect instantly with a person who has been labeled a “klutz’’ simply by asking one question. I’ll ask the person, “True or false, if you have heard this once you’ve heard it a thousand times--‘My God it looked like you did that on purpose!’” And this person who has identified himself as a klutz will respond, “How did you know that?”
Believe me, I am not psychic. I just know the model.
The Subconscious Mind is the single most powerful goal-achieving agency known to man. Once “klutz” is programmed into the inner mind, it will become a fact. A person tired of carrying the label will naturally think that by steering excessively clear of coffee cups, desk corners, curbs, table legs and breakables, the waters will calm and disasters will end. Sorry. The subconscious mind epitomizes tenacity. When a person carrying the label tries to steer clear of disaster by keeping distant from the objects of likely entanglement, the Subconscious Mind is forced to go out of its way to achieve the goal of klutziness. When this subliminal creative stretch takes place in the achievement of klutziness, to the witness it appears that the person did the deed on purpose. And that is correct! It is just that the person’s Conscious Mind would have no idea what the witness was talking about. For the subject of the judgment, hearing that others think such mishaps are done on purpose hurts and confuses and, worst of all, intensifies his belief in the accuracy of the label.
You, like everyone else walking on earth, hold a series of perceptions of what you are worth, what you deserve from life. For athletes it’s how far up the all-time list of player achievements they belong. For the sick it is a perception of how much punishment and hardship is called for. And so important, when we talk about the goal-achieving mind doing its job, these inner perceptions the Subconscious Mind works to achieve have absolutely nothing to do with what a person consciously says he desires. Consciously, most people say they desire wellness. Please know that what we are discussing here is something that is happening much deeper.
In addition to perception, the Subconscious Mind is also home for our Permanent Memory. Every piece of data ever received through any of our five senses is stored in our Subconscious Mind for recall and review. In fact, this is what makes us who we truly are. We will think our next thought, act our next action and feel our next feeling based upon everything that has happened in our past. We are the sum total of all our past.
Next in the subconscious is Emotion, all of them, good and bad. The Subconscious Mind is the feeling mind. Wait until you see the importance of Emotions to our health. You may know that they are important-but wait until you see to what extent! One of the things that scares me about our society is that we give free rein to filth, obscene language, sex and violence under the banner of free speech, while goodness must fight for its right to even whisper. There is a reason for this: consumer science. These scientists of consumption are the ones who determine what you get to see and hear via the TV, radio and printed media. Consumer scientists know that people consume when they are feeling empty. Goodness breeds fullness. Filth and conflict breed emptiness. But filth and conflict also breed bigotry, violence and corruption.
Consumer scientists harmonize with another group I will describe later and in more detail as the equalogists. The equalogists campaign for laws designed to scare us into not feeling the emotions hypnotically installed by the consumer scientists. Allowing negative emotions to be hypnotically installed by our wonderful consumer scientists, and then punishing their unknowing subjects if they act out the post-hypnotic suggestions installed by these creators of emptiness, is poisonous to the human psyche. Holding in negative emotions is repression. It fills prisons, it kills and holy cow, does it sell a lot of medicine!
The last thing you need to know about the Subconscious Mind is that it’s the Protective Mind. It will protect us from dangers, real or imagined. That’s what phobias are all about. The mind is protecting us from a danger that isn’t even there. But the subconscious imagines it’s real; the panic attack a phobic feels is the Subconscious Mind telling the person to get out of the current situation it perceives as a danger.
When we’re dealing with the Protective Mind, we have to ask: What’s important to this mind? What are its priorities? What is it protecting and how? Well, the number one need of any human being is security. Number two is love. Now, love is not less important than security. But security is the one thing that we as humans are given a sample of by default. When we’re in the womb, it’s the warmest, safest, most secure environment we know as a human being. It’s the first thing we know as a human being. For nine months, it’s the only thing we know. Then all of a sudden there’s a squeeze, a push, bright lights, cold steel table and we go from the only environment we’ve known for nine months (and by coincidence a pretty cozy and nice environment) to someplace new and opposite everything we knew for those first nine months.
But too many people, including most professionals, make a mistake here. They align security with pleasure. Security doesn’t come from the pleasure of the first nine months. Security comes from the familiarity of the first nine months. It was the same thing every day, from the first moment the soul took the body. Everyone wants to spin security and pleasure as one thread and weave it throughout all of maternity. Security is not that which is pleasurable! Security is that which is familiar!
Let’s say you have a certain perception of something. The second you acquire this perception, you have something to compare new input against. From here, any new experience that harmonizes with that first impression will create a very secure feeling. “The rest of the world just agreed with how I feel.” That is a very secure feeling. When information coming from the outside is not in harmony with that inner perception, it creates a very insecure feeling. We will see the mechanism of the mind that makes this so, later.
Love may be just as important as security and the lack of it may be even more detrimental. The difference is that we aren’t guaranteed a taste of love by default. You see, if two love-starved people bring a child into this world, they can’t give that child what they themselves don’t have. I might want to give a million dollars to every homeless person on the street. But if I don’t have a million dollars, no matter what my intention, I can’t give to another what I myself don’t first possess. So a child born to two love-starved parents has never had a taste of love. The child doesn’t know what love tastes like or feels like, but the child does have something inside we might consider a calling. The child is looking for it, but he doesn’t know what “it” is.
A child accepts whatever is offered earliest in life as love. If that is distance and criticism, distance and criticism becomes the inner, goal-achieving mind’s definition of love. Now, as an adult looking for love, that person will naturally gravitate toward people whose tendency is toward the condition of distance and criticism. Now don’t worry. That sounds sad, and we’ve all heard of the person who “married their father or mother,” but there is a healthy reason for not being encoded with a true definition of love. In fact, this touches on the essence of life’s meaning. More on that later!
Now we have the last and most important piece of equipment in the Conscious Mind. We call it the Critical Faculty of the Conscious Mind. It resides in the Conscious Mind, but it takes its orders from the subconscious condition. This is the part of the mind that I get paid to bypass as a professional hypnotist. Remember, the most powerful goal-achieving agency known to man cannot judge a suggestion. That’s a pretty vulnerable combination. If a suggestion reaches the Subconscious Mind, it will accept that suggestion as fact and make it so-no questions asked!
So the Critical Faculty exists to protect this vulnerable nature of the Subconscious Mind. Here’s how the Critical Faculty does its job. It takes every incoming suggestion from the outside world and stops it. It then compares that incoming suggestion to every perception we hold on the subject. If the new suggestion is not in harmony with the old perception, the critical faculty’s job--and it is incredibly effective--is to stop the new suggestion, and like a mirror reflecting light, reject it. If, however, the new suggestion is stopped and found to be in harmony with the inner perception, the critical faculty swings open and lets it pass. Right here we encounter one of the most powerful laws of the mind, the law of compounding. It says that every impression carries a weight ... a weight of belief, you might say.
Every time a new suggestion from the outside world is stopped and found to be in harmony with our inner perceptions, like accumulating mass, the weight of the new impression is compounded into the pre-existing beliefs (or perception). Through that compounding, our belief in the accumulating perception grows proportionately stronger than ever. In this way a person’s subconscious, goal-achieving mind works to manifest perceptions with increasing or lessening enthusiasm over time, depending upon life’s accumulating experiences, factored against the existing weight of the first suggestion on any subject discussed. A first suggestion goes in unrestricted. Immediately a protective barrier forms in its wake. Any approaching thought from this point is stopped. If its implications are familiar to our inner perceptions, it’s accepted. If they are not in harmony, then it’s rejected. Now we see why security is not that which is pleasurable, but that which is familiar. This is the mechanism of the mind that makes familiarity the number one goal of the human mind! And by the way, this is the one piece of the mind that Western medicine refuses to acknowledge, respect or understand. Without respect for this part of the mind there can be little healing.
Now, if this Critical Faculty was hard to identify, I could understand why certain people and professionals would be so resistant. But I’m going to show you your critical faculty in action, and you tell me if you have to be a born-again Freud to see this thing perform. Follow along. This is the actual test! Read the next statement and feel your mind respond.
Now, true or false--not just figuratively, but literally, you felt the thought of square ram into something. There was a quick conversation in your mind that went something like, “No, that’s not a square; it’s a rectangle! Was that some kind of a trick question? What’s your point?” The new suggestion came into your mind and was stopped. lt was then compared against everything you know about geometric figures. The two were not in harmony, and the new suggestion was rejected. You are not all of a sudden willing to discount years of schooling and call that figure a square just because of one new input from me. That’s your critical faculty at work. Let’s feel this part of your mind flex its muscle again. Here’s the statement:
Let yourself feel how unsettling it is to hear or read something so out of line with your inner perceptions. Read the last example again and feel the conflict created when new input is so opposite to what we’ve been taught from so early on. This is what makes habit change such a problem. It’s also the part of the mind that renders psychology, for the most part, ineffective. It’s why Will is powerless over Imagination. It’s why modern medicine doesn’t work. Let me explain by walking us through the human growth cycle. Let’s go back to the mind model.
When I saw this model for the first time, I was offended. I thought, I’m a pretty happy, healthy guy, but there are things inside of me that I want out. There are programs running inside of me that are hurting me. They’re holding me back! Sound familiar? If this critical faculty is here to protect me, where was it the day all this negativity got in here? Asleep at the switch? Out at a fast-food joint for a burger? Where did it go the day it let all that junk into my mind? That’s a pretty good question, don’t you think? Well, the answer to this one should shake the very foundations of society. It could alter the course of education and health care forever!
The answer to my last question lies in the critical faculty’s origin. Where does this critical faculty come from? When does it arrive? When is it most vulnerable? You see, when we are new to this world, there are no perceptions within our subconscious mind. We haven’t experienced anything yet. Our subconscious mind is like a blank computer disc. It has incredible storage capacity, but nothing has been entered into the data bank. Hence, there’s no data to judge against. Well, if there is nothing to judge against, there can be no critical faculty! Hear it again ...
If there is nothing to judge against, there can be no critical faculty. The critical faculty cannot function until it has something to judge new input against. This means that the very first viewpoint received on any specific subject, topic or idea, goes into the subconscious permanent memory unjudged--no questions asked. Instantly, upon this happening, a person now has a perception on that subject. Now there’s something to judge against. And no matter whether it’s right or wrong, good or bad, that first impression goes into the subconscious mind uncensored and (only because it got there first) becomes the perception against which everything is judged for acceptance or rejection.
Let me give you an example. Let’s say two parents come to me and they say, “Steve, we believe in your ability to develop a mind. Here’s our infant son, Billy. We’re giving you the job. Take Billy and develop his mind.” Now, let’s say, for this example, that as much as I know about the specifics of mental development, I’m a little weak when it comes to geometry. Not knowing myself the difference between a square and a rectangle, I teach Billy that this shape is a square.
As wrong as that sounds to you, Billy doesn’t have a perception of shapes, so square goes into his subconscious unrestricted. And guess what? Now he has a perception. And the critical faculty has just formed directly behind the first input on the subject.
Days later, during a subsequent lesson covering geometric shapes, I again identify this shape as a square.
Wow! Billy has only one perception in his subconscious permanent memory on this particular shape, and someone just agreed with it! What just came at him from the outside happened to agree with what’s stored on the inside. That is a very assuring feeling. And this now brings us back to the law of compounding. Remember, every time the mind receives something in harmony with a perception held in the subconscious, the belief in that concept grows stronger than ever.
Back to Billy and the rectangle being labeled a square. Now it turns out that I have been the one to control Billy’s learning environment for the first five years. So along with a wave of more traditional teachings, anything Billy hears on geometric figures confirms in Billy’s mind that this shape is a square. After five years, Billy is pretty convinced this shape is considered to be a square.
At this point, Billy’s parents take him back. In the course of assessing what Billy has learned, they quiz him on shapes and discover he identifies rectangles as squares. When they try to correct him, what happens? He fights to defend his answer. He “feels” that he is correct! Mom, Dad, how hard do kids fight when they get some silly, backwards perception into their heads and you try to get them to change their thinking? In that same way, how hard is Billy going to fight his parents’ new idea? To the end of the earth!
Square got there first and Billy will stand secure on his claim to accurate knowledge when identifying that shape. And by the way, Billy isn’t the only one this kind of thing has happened to. For me, one occasion among thousands occurred when a group of us were remembering the good old days. Someone named a song, and two of us quickly shouted out the name of the group. Only problem--we had named two different groups. I was right, of course, and willing to bet the farm on it. One quick call to 94.9 FM and I collect, right? Wrong! She was right and I was wrong.
“It can’t be,” I continued to mutter. What I was willing to defend as absolute truth was simply not accurate. It is weird to think about this situation when I got caught holding on to a false perception. It is even more scary to ponder the number of false perceptions held that remain unexposed. These are the ones that hurt us!
So an infant mind starts out with no critical faculty, because there is no information to judge against. The critical faculty begins to form in bits and pieces immediately behind the first impression on each new individual subject, topic, concept or idea received by that infant mind. It is important to note that it does not matter if that first suggestion on a new topic is good for the child or bad for the child, right with universal laws, opposing, loving or degrading. No matter what the perception painted by that first impression, the subconscious mind will accept it as fact, no questions asked, and make it so. And even more important, the critical faculty immediately forms behind that first input, protecting it from subsequent suggestions that might oppose the original implant.
Conversely, every time new information is received confirming that first impression, or in harmony with that first suggestion, the critical faculty swings open, allowing this new suggestion in. The weight of the new experience is naturally piled onto the existing perception and, like accumulating mass, our belief in this inner perception from so early on in our lives grows proportionally stronger and stronger. So you can see now why getting the right thoughts into a mind first is so very crucial, so very important!