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When we have a bypass of the critical faculty amazing things happen.

The mind model that we are using was organized and best explained by Jerry Kein. Jerry studied, among the works of many others, the techniques of Dave Elman. Dave Elman was a hypnotist. Jerry is a hypnotist. My healing work started as pure hypnotism. So that’s where we’ll start. First, let’s clear something up about labels. I don’t like labels. I do like removing labels, though, and getting to what’s real. This hypnotism thing is a label that I’m familiar with. So let’s talk about it--a little now, a lot later. Many things fall under the umbrella of hypnosis. Many things should, but don’t ever get labeled hypnosis. We are going to use the most accurate definition of hypnosis to be found. It is born out of Dave Elman’s insights and Jerry’s mind model. Hypnosis is the bypass of the critical faculty of the conscious mind, and the establishment of selective thinking. Again, here’s the model. This time we see the bypass of the critical faculty...

When the critical faculty is willing to sit off to the side, uninvolved with the flow of data into the subconscious goal-achieving mind, we have hypnosis. When the critical faculty is stopping and judging incoming suggestions, we don’t. When we have bypass of the critical faculty amazing things happen.

Let’s look into the world of the stage-show hypnotists and see how the mind works for them. To answer your first question, Yes, it’s real! We’ll discuss the details of how the stage-show hypnotist gets people into the state where those wild things happen later on. For now we’ll just start at the point where bypass of the critical factor has been attained. Once a straight path has been gained to the subconscious mind, the stage-show hypnotist might give the suggestion that the person is about to be given a ripe, delicious apple, and they’re free to eat away. The audience next sees the hypnotist hand the person a peeled yellow onion. The audience watches in horror as the subject crunches away with a big smile, totally believing the onion’s a tasty apple. It’s stunning to watch and hard to believe, but real. Once that suggestion got to the subconscious, goal-achieving mind, the most powerful agency known to man accepted it as fact and made it real.

After ten years working with this stuff, it still blows me away when I see these types of things happen right before my eyes! Is there anything socially redeeming to the old “onion’s an apple” gig? I don’t think so. But look at what the stage-show hypnotist has been able to get the mind to do. Using the onion-to-apple example, how long would it take a psychologist to logic a person into that kind of a belief system shift? Well, it would take six sessions to develop rapport ... and then another eight sessions to assess current condition ... not very entertaining . . . and worse yet, not in ten years of weekly visits would the person start to think the onion was an apple! The stage-show hypnotist can accomplish this in a matter of minutes. If you want to talk about changing perceptions, who’s going to want to compete with these stage-show hypnotists!!

Now, am I recommending that you go to a stage-show hypnotist for healing? No. But learning and applying what they know about the mind is precious to healing. I too see no value in making a person believe that an onion is an apple, but how many people can be helped if changing perceptions of self-worth happens with the same ease?

For the record, I would never do a stage show routine. And my feelings toward these performers as professionals are mixed. For the thousands of hours that I have had to spend dispelling the fears and misconceptions created by these people prior to starting the real work in my office, I could choose some less than positive thoughts. But for the rapid and instantaneous induction techniques they have created, I thank them. For their gutsiness in proving the reliability of the subconscious mind’s usable power and influence over what we thought was non-manageable, I am indebted forever.

What have we learned so far? If you want to change a perception, don’t waste an ounce of energy creating change at a conscious level. Instead, work in harmony with the mind’s mechanics. Bypass the critical faculty and reprogram the subconscious goal-achieving mind! And voila! Too easy, right? What’s wild is that sometimes it can be that simple.

Answer Cancer

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