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What has been found at the count of one could be considered better than anything Stephen King ever conjured.

Maybe we should start by discussing the process we use to get to the ISE of a problem. Let’s walk through a hypnotic regression and see what a search for the ISE of a problem looks like. Regressions can be directed or non-directed to varying degrees. In the chapter on hypnosis I share my feelings on the different forms of regression and other hypnotic techniques. For now we will mainly focus on non-directed technique. The reason I prefer this technique is that it respects the nature of the subconscious mind. When a person has a problem, there are only two agencies anywhere that know the cause and cure for that problem--God and the person’s subconscious mind. Go anywhere else for answers and we’re wasting time. Here’s how it works. Once we have bypass of the critical faculty, we basically excite the symptom. And by the way, when I’m describing the process, the reason that I say “we” is that I am the first to point out that I am not the only one doing work this way, nor am I the only one getting great results. We shouldn’t be discussing one person’s work. This is a method to be shared between professionals who want results. It’s also an understanding that will hopefully generate a more sensible national track toward healing.

Returning to the process, we bypass the critical faculty and excite the symptom. And again, the chapter on hypnosis tells you how the critical faculty bypass is performed. Exciting the symptom is easy. I’ll demonstrate a simple version of that here. Remember that the subconscious mind will not judge a suggestion. So once in trance, all I have to say is something close to this: “You have a feeling inside yourself that you don’t like. You’ve tried running from it, you’ve tried numbing it and swallowing it away. This time you’re going to face it. I’m going to count from one to five. As I do, that feeling grows as real as you’ve ever known it before.”

As I do the one to five count, that symptom will become very consuming. In doing so I’m giving the mind a clear target. Once the symptom is amplified, I’ll say something close to this: “Now let yourself stay focused on this feeling. As you focus on this feeling, I’m going to count from ten down to one. As I count from ten to one, your inner mind takes you back to a scene, situation or event that has everything to do with this feeling. In fact, it will be the first event of significance to this feeling.”

And I do the ten to one count. At the count of one, I don’t care if the mind takes us back to 12 years of age, 12 months, 2 months after conception or 1200 Ad. It’s not my job to think I know what those events of significance are or when and where they occurred. We as the guides can help pilot the ship, but it’s only the individual’s subconscious that can properly pick the ports of call.

What has been found at the count of one could be considered better than anything Stephen King ever conjured. Sometimes of incredible magnitude, other times so seemingly insignificant. What the mind harbors is amazing. We are getting very close to the cause of cancer, but I want to start with some actual regressions that give a classic example of how the subconscious mind interprets experience and forms perceptions.

Answer Cancer

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