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Chapter Four A New Lover

James had a beautiful, comfortable house on a large lot at the edge of town. It was fairly new, custom built and very modern. When Suzanne got inside she looked around, studying her surroundings. He had a large living room that was clean and neat, with off-white walls and comfortable, leather furniture all covered in earth tones, with lots of throw pillows in shades of blue, rose and turquoise. Along one wall he had a large, impressive looking entertainment center. It was made of black lacquered wood and held a stereo, CD player, flat screen television and VCR. He had an extensive collection of CD’s and videotapes. The CD’s ranged from rock to jazz and even some classical.

She looked at the videos; they seemed to contain all the latest hit movies along with several children’s classics. After asking James’ permission, she opened a small cabinet that could be locked if necessary, which contained more videos. There were spanking videos and a few others that seemed much more adult.

“James, do the club members know you have these tapes?” she asked him innocently.

“The spanky ones?” James answered, puzzled, “I don’t really know. Why?”

“Not those ones, silly, all the kiddie cartoons.” She winked at him. “They seem a little out of character.”

“Not for a man with two nieces and three nephews living in town, they’re not,” he told her.

Another wall was filled with an extensive and varied collection of books. Suzanne walked over and looked at the covers. She saw everything from political commentary to a lurid crime novel, in both paperback and hardcover.

Off to one side, Suzanne could see into a gleaming, white modern kitchen. On the other side was a hallway. James walked up, stood behind Suzanne, and slid his arms around her waist.

“Can I get you something?” he whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. “Some wine? Coffee? A late night snack?”

She turned to face him and said boldly, “Right now, a bed would come in real, real handy.”

James scooped her up in his arms, laughing and carried her into the bedroom. “Will this one do?” he said, dropping her unceremoniously on the king-size bed, ignoring her still tender bottom.

She laughed and reached up for him, “Only if you’re in it with me.”

He bent down to kiss her, then straightened up and began to remove his clothes. Taking his cue, she rolled off the bed and turned her back to him, allowing him to unzip her formal, and very wrinkled blue satin dress.

She stood before him in her lacy black bra and garter belt, her waist long hair falling over her left shoulder, like a silky black curtain covering her breast. Watching in silent approval as he undressed, she enjoyed her first look at his slim but athletic body, and his large cock. She thought it was strange, she had tasted that cock, and felt it inside her, and yet had never really seen it. It was long, thick, erect and beautiful.

He stepped behind her and unfastened her bra, gently cupping her large breasts from behind and teasing the nipples with his fingers. He unsnapped her garter belt without unfastening her hose, and peeled her stockings and garter belt off all in one piece. He backed her up against the bed, and together they pulled down the burgundy velvet comforter. Lifting her onto the bed, this time he followed her down. He moved over her, supporting his weight on his arms and began to kiss her, starting at her mouth and moving ever so slowly down to her neck. His kisses trailed down her body, slathering one breast then the other with his moist, warm tongue. She shivered with the pleasure he gave her.

His mouth continued its path down her body. He held her hands in his, preventing her from doing anything to him, and using only his mouth, he explored her luscious body. He stopped for a moment to explore her navel before his mouth went still lower. Slowly, ever so slowly, his mouth found the silky tangle of curls at the apex of her thighs. He released one of her hands and slid his arm under her leg, raising it up on his shoulders. He grasped that hand again and repeated the procedure with the other leg. Raising his head and smiling tenderly at her, he finally, slowly lowered his mouth to her tender succulent cunt. She was writhing with pleasure.

He played with her, sucking, licking, and even nipping at her tender flesh until she came with an orgasm that left her breathless. Releasing her hands, he climbed up her body until he reached her mouth, kissing her passionately.

“This is how we taste together,” he murmured.

“That was incredible,” she said, smiling contentedly, “but I still want to feel your cock inside me again.”

“I aim to please.” He kissed her and slid into the warmth of her, making love to her gently for a short time, until they both built up to a crashing climax.

As they cuddled together in the tangled sheets afterwards James said, “I’m hungry. Let’s go raid the refrigerator.”

“I’m sleepy,” Suzanne moaned.

“But I’ll bet you’re hungry, too. I know I am. I’ll also bet,” James grinned at her, “that you didn’t eat any dinner tonight, um, last night. I mean before the party.”

“How did you guess?” She nibbled his neck.

He got out of bed and handed her a terry cloth knee-length white robe. Reaching into the closet, he pulled on a royal blue one. “Because I was too scared to eat before my initiation, and I knew more about what I was getting into than you did.”

She pulled on the robe and taking his hand, followed him downstairs. He pulled some roast beef out of the refrigerator and they had thick roast beef sandwiches, with milk. Then they each had some homemade apple pie.

“Did you make this?” Suzanne asked surprised, she knew it wasn’t a frozen pie.

“I wish I could say I did, but I had dinner with my folks the night before last and Mom sent it home with me, the roast beef, too.” James grinned at her. “She’s always afraid I’m not eating right.”

“My mother’s the same way.” Suzanne smiled, “I wonder when they’re going to think of us as grown-ups?”

“I hope never, if it keeps her baking like this.” James laughed before taking a big bite of the pie.

The next morning they made love again before they got out of bed. Then they made love, wildly but carefully, in the shower. James inspected her bruises, which weren’t very bad after all. He loaned her a pair of red jogging shorts and a white T-shirt. He pulled out a similar pair of shorts for himself, and a tank top. They both dressed and went downstairs to make breakfast.

Over a simple breakfast of toast, orange juice and scrambled eggs, they talked. They started by discussing the club. James cleared something up that had been bothering her. He told her that the club did not discriminate, but applications from Asians and Blacks were rare. In fact, he told her there was only one Black couple in the club but they had not been able to attend the initiation. The conversation turned to her. She told James about her one worry leftover from the previous night. Michael still had a key to her house.

“We can solve that after we finish having our breakfast,” James said.

He took her home, stopping at a hardware store on the way. As soon as they arrived home, she knew there had been reason for her concern; Michael’s car was gone and two of the tires on her own car were slashed. Inside the house there was no damage but she could tell Michael had been there, as most of his clothes were gone from her closet. She quickly called the police.

James had her get out her tools and with her help, installed new locks and put an alarm on her door. By the time the police arrived, she had packed up the last of Michael’s things that she could still find at her place and put them in a box in her garage. She reported the slashed tires, and told the police why she suspected Michael. After they left, she packed some clothes and put on her floral print one-piece bathing suit, under a full skirt.

They stopped at her landlord’s home on their way back to James’ house. They gave the landlord one of the new keys and told him about the alarm. Suzanne explained that she had broken up with Michael, told him about her tires, and asked him not to let Michael have a copy of the new key. She introduced James to him.

Her landlord, a burly ex-navy man with tattoos on his forearms, surprised her by hugging her lightly and saying, “I’m glad you broke up with that creep. Don’t worry, Honey, I’ll see that he doesn’t bother you anymore.” Then he looked James over. “You treat her right now, you hear?”

“I sure will,” James smiled at the man, “and give me a call if the creep gives Suzanne or even you any trouble.”

“I can take care of him.” The tough, older landlord smiled tightly as he shook hands with James. “Don’t you worry.”

“He looks like he could take care of a dozen Michaels,” James told Suzanne, “I have a feeling I’d better treat you real nice.”

“I have a feeling you would anyway.” Suzanne kissed him, grinning.

Finally, they went back to James’ house. James put on navy swimming trunks and they went for a swim in his pool. Afterwards they laid out, lounging on towels on the redwood deck, soaking in the hot sun and talking.

“We started this relationship a little bit backwards,” James said. “We had sex before we really got to know each other. I usually don’t do that. That’s something I want you to understand, I play my spanky games, but I don’t actually have sex with someone or bring her here unless I really care for her.” James reached out to gently stroke her silky hair.

“I’ve never jumped into bed with anyone I just met either,” Suzanne replied. “Not before last night. I may try to hang on to a relationship for far too long, but I’ve never started one so quickly. I must admit though it feels right, wonderful and completely natural being here with you.”

“It feels right for me, too. And amazing.” James kissed her. The kiss built up quickly. “Let’s go inside, my love.”

When they got inside, James took her upstairs to his bedroom. He had a startling request for Suzanne. He opened his closet and took out a leather western belt, hand-tooled and heavy. He stood next to the bed and asked her to use his belt to give him a good hard whipping.

“Why do you want a whipping now?” she asked curiously, surprised.

“I can give you three reasons: First, I didn’t get a whipping last night at the party.”

“Poor, deprived baby,” Suzanne said with false sympathy.

“Depraved, more likely,” his mouth twisted ruefully, “but the second reason is more important. I want to make sure you really understand that our relationship won’t be just one sided. You won’t always be the bottom. Our love life won’t just consist of my whipping or abusing you. In fact, except for the club we probably won’t play our little spanky games all that often, and we’ll do it only when we both feel like it,” James paused. “Your poor ex-boyfriend made a mistake when he tried to join our club. As I tried to explain on the phone, many S & M clubs are strictly for dominates and submissives. Our club isn’t quite that way. We’re made up of people who enjoy spankings and role playing, and most of them enjoy it from either side. Most of our members do have a role they favor; but very few members go home from a party without doing both, getting and giving discipline.”

“Where was I?” James continued, “I remember, third, a whipping always gives me a hard-on, although with you around, getting a hard-on doesn’t seem like it’s going to be much of a problem.”

She directed him to lay face down on the bed. He did. She began to whip him with his belt, but not very hard. He grabbed her hand and stopped her.

“Come on, Love, get tough, you won’t hurt me,” he said, kissing her. “Remember, I’ve been on the receiving end many times and I enjoy it.”

She began to whip him again, with a lot more vigor this time. Red welts appeared on his lean, tan buttocks. She kept whipping him until he asked her to stop. He rolled over revealing an enormous erection. She stepped out of her bathing suit. He reached up and without speaking a word, and pulled her down on top of him. From that night on they were a couple, in every sense of the word.

The Paddle Club: A Fun, Romantic and Erotic Spanking Novel

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