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Chapter Six What Santa Gives Good Girls

At regular Paddle Club parties, that is parties when there was no initiation being held, the members didn’t usually dress formally. They saved that for the club’s initiations. At the other parties, they were usually dressed in casual clothes, sometimes with costumes at Halloween. A few of the ladies wore corsets, with lacy garters and stockings. Almost all the ladies wore silky, lacy panties.

A few of the members more into BDSM would wear black leather or latex outfits decorated with silver studs, every now and then. Suzanne still thought the outfits were tacky. For herself, she preferred to dress in casual and comfortable street clothes. Of course on her, almost anything she wore looked elegant.

At one party, between Thanksgiving and Christmas, Suzanne was wearing a full red skirt and a red, green and white sweater. She wandered away from James when she spotted Jerry across the room. Jerry had become one of her favorite members and one of her best friends. On this occasion, in honor of the holidays, he had come to the party dressed as Santa Claus. It was surprising how little effort it took for Jerry to make a fantastic Santa. He already had the roly-poly shape, he was the right age and he had a very merry grin, with rosy cheeks and twinkling eyes. All he needed was the suit and a beard. He was seated on one of the large overstuffed chairs near the dais.

Suzanne went over to greet him. “Hi, Santa.” She kissed his cheek.

“Ho! Ho! Ho!” Jerry said merrily. “Come up and sit on my lap little girl.”

When Suzanne sat herself on his lap Jerry said, “Have you been a good little girl?”

“Well . . .” Suzanne looked at him with innocence in her big blue eyes, “I try to be good, Santa, sort of.”

“What do you mean, sort of?” Jerry asked her sternly, “Are you a bad girl sometimes?”

“Well, sometimes, maybe,” Suzanne said softly, with an air of meekness, “I might do something bad once in a while.”

“Have you at least been punished for all the wrong things you’ve done?” Santa Jerry asked. “Or has James been neglecting you?”

Suzanne replied ingenuously, “Well, I don’t always tell James when I’ve been bad.” She leaned forward and whispered in Jerry’s ear, “And sometimes, he even makes me do bad things, Santa, I can’t lie to you.”

“Well, I guess I can bring you a little gift, just for being so honest. What do you want, girl?” he asked her.

“I want a hot, red bottom, Santa, please,” she replied, smiling.

“Santa can do that, little girl. I’ll give you your present right now if you lay face down across my lap.” His green eyes twinkled.

Suzanne got into the required position, draped across his lap with her long, black hair brushing the floor. She felt him raise her full, red skirt up onto her back, and gently lower the silky red underwear down her legs. Jerry rubbed her buttocks gently, then he began to spank her with firm, loud, cracking slaps.

He took his time warming her up. He turned one side of her butt red and hot, and then changed his attention to the other side. When he had spanked both cheeks until they were red and hot, without causing any real pain, he started over.

This time, he spanked her harder, again first on one side and then on the other. The spanking went on for a long time, gradually getting harsher and harsher. Suzanne squirmed and gasped occasionally but she kept silent for over seventy blows, until her butt was red and on fire.

Finally, she said, “Thank you, Santa, that’s enough.”

Jerry pulled her underwear the rest of the way off and lowered her skirt. He handed her the lacy panties and kissed her on the cheek. When he looked up, there was a line of people waiting their turn on Santa’s lap.

One of the club members came over to talk to Suzanne. His name was Alan, a tall lanky blond man with an amiable manner.

“Hey Alan, what’s new?” Suzanne kissed him on the cheek.

“I’ve met a terrific girl,” Alan said blushing. “We’ve been dating for about a month now. She’s sweet, and smart and very beautiful.”

“Are you going to bring her here so we can meet her?” Suzanne asked, with a grin. “I want to tell her all your dirty little secrets.”

“I’ve wanted to but she’s been reluctant, or maybe afraid to come,” Alan told her. “She just keeps saying that maybe she’ll come someday but not now.”

“Maybe she’s just not into spankings, not everyone is you know,” Suzanne said calmly.

“I realize that. I don’t expect her to take part in anything; I told her that, but she could still come and meet some of the members,” Alan said softly. “After all, you guys are all my best friends.”

“Then have a party outside of the club and invite some of us. We’ll get to meet her on safe, neutral ground.” She gave him a devilish grin. “We may even be on our good behavior.”

“I’ll set it up.” He hugged her and walked away. “My birthday is coming up soon. Thanks Suzanne, you’re a genius.”

“Remind me to give you a birthday spanking,” Suzanne said as she walked away, “a really good one.”

“As if you would ever forget,” Alan laughed.

Suzanne went to find James. A middle-aged woman had just spanked him, and as usual, the smart spanking had made him horny. He handed Suzanne a glass of Cold Duck, and slapped her on the butt.

“Having fun?” he asked, grinning at her.

She sipped the Cold Duck and grinned back at him, “I sure am. How about you?”

“Well, if I was getting a few more kisses, it’d be even better.” He leaned over to kiss her. The kiss was both tender and passionate. “Why is it, all I really want to do right now is take you home to bed?”

“Are you tired already?” she asked, with her blue eyes full of mischief. “You must be getting old.”

“If we were near a bed right now, I’d show you how old I’m not getting.” He leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear, “I’d make love to you until neither of us could walk.”

“Why go home?” Suzanne squeezed his hand. “When there’s several bedrooms right here. Maybe we can find an empty one.”

“Good idea, let’s go get naked.” He led her into one of the empty bedrooms and locked the door.

They made love passionately and tenderly, reaching a shattering orgasm together. While they were basking in the afterglow, he gently, almost too gently, spanked her slightly pink buttocks. He finally gave her one hard slap on each cheek and asked her to spank him.

She gave him a sound spanking, in spite of the fact that she kept getting distracted by the urge to kiss and nip his smooth, taut buns. She kept it up until he rolled her over onto her back and took her into his arms, sliding into her once more with a smooth hard thrust. They made love again, fast and hard. This time, as they lay side by side catching their breaths, he cuddled her gently and kissed her forehead and her silky, long hair.

“Suzanne, I love you very much. I can’t picture my life without you,” he said, kissing her gently. “Will you marry me? I need you beside me, always.”

“I love you too, and I want to spend my life with you,” she replied, tears forming in her eyes. “But I have a few questions to ask before I give you an answer.”

“Okay, fire away, what are they?” He sat up in the bed, still holding her tightly.

“First, just to be sure, what kind of marriage do you want? Conventional? Open? Do you know what I mean?” She was afraid that she hadn’t phrased it very well.

“I only want to have sex with you. I mean, I want a monogamous marriage, I’m pretty traditional in that way. But I do want to keep active in the club. Does that make any sense?” he replied.

“Perfect sense. We can spank or be spanked by others but we save our lovemaking for ourselves. It works for me.” She hesitated, and asked him shyly, “My next question is, how do you feel about kids?”

“I want kids, lots of kids, the sooner the better. I love kids,” he paused, then continued seriously, “but we have to keep this side of our relationship away from them. Let them find their own sexual nature, when they’re old enough.”

“Would about seven and a half months be too soon for the first kid?” she asked shyly.

For once, James’ usual intelligence failed him as he questioned before he thought, “But doesn’t it usually take nine months?”

Suzanne laughed so hard that she almost fell off the bed. James finally realized what he had said, and what Suzanne’s question had meant and started to laugh too. He was a wreck, hugging and kissing her, and laughing until his sides hurt and tears ran down his face.

Finally he got control of himself. “Does this mean yes?”

“Yes!” Suzanne kissed him again, and they just laid there, side by side. “It’s a good thing you popped the question tonight. I’m really glad you proposed before I told you about the baby. It makes it seem even more special.”

“So am I, my love.” He kissed her hair. “Now you’ll always know that I’m not marrying you just because of the baby, the little one’s a bonus.” He leaned down and kissed her still flat belly.

They held each other and talked for a long time, planning their future. The club outside was forgotten as they enjoyed the feelings that come from making a life changing decision like the one to get married.

Meanwhile, out in the main room, the spanking play continued. Sherry followed Suzanne’s example and got a spanking from Santa Jerry. Her lover, Clayton, used a wooden paddle on several women with real severity before he got a whipping from a large, middle-aged woman. Sherry watched as he bent over a rail and the middle-aged woman used a riding crop to give him a long slashing and painful beating. When he had all he could handle, he raised himself up. He pulled up his charcoal gray slacks and traded places with the woman. Using the same crop, he gave the woman a tremendous cutting whipping across her fleshy buttocks. He had just finished when he turned and saw James and Suzanne emerging from the private bedroom.

“What’s up you guys? You look suspiciously happy,” he asked, noticing their broad smiles.

“Let’s go over to the bar, we have some exciting news we’d like to share with you,” James said.

They wandered over to a table near the bar, and James got them all some champagne.

“Okay, what’s up?” the ever-curious Sherry asked. “What’s this exciting news?”

“We just decided to get married,” Suzanne answered, her face glowing with joy.

“Great! Congratulations to both of you!” Sherry hugged James, and then Suzanne.

There were hugs and kissed all around. Clay gave Suzanne a friendly, warm hug and kissed her cheek. He topped it off with a friendly but smart slap on the ass.

“Careful!” James yelled, almost in a panic. “She’s pregnant.”

“As if I haven’t been getting spanked all night long,” Suzanne laughed.

“But that was before I knew about the baby,” James was chagrined. Sherry and Clayton were still laughing as the other couple walked away.

Suzanne and James returned to the main part of the party, not really participating in any more spanking games, but visiting with friends and sipping their champagne. They found Jerry and told him their latest news.

“Hey, that’s not fair!” Jerry hugged her. “I saw you first.”

“Yeah, but you already have a beautiful wife,” James reminded him, “and a long happy marriage.”

“Jerry, we want to go home, in fact we have a cab waiting outside. Will you tell Edna for us? And give her our love?” Suzanne asked him.

“I sure will, Lass. Congratulations.” The older man kissed her cheek.

“Goodnight,” Suzanne said as they left.

Jerry remembered back to when he and his wife Edna were expecting their first child. They had seven children now, and four grandkids. Jerry went over to her. She was sitting in a corner talking to one of the other women in the club.

Edna was an attractive lady, plump and gray-haired, with a wise, sweet face, and gentle brown eyes. She had on a plain cranberry knit dress that managed to show off her still beautiful figure. To look at her, a stranger would never believe that she had been spanked fairly harshly by at least three different men at the party, or that she had used a whip with a great deal of vigor on a young stud of about twenty-three. She looked up and saw the grin on her husband’s face.

“Let’s go home, dear.” He smiled at her with love in his eyes. “I want to be alone with you.”

“It’s about time, Mr. Claus; I have a list of things I want from Santa.” She kissed him. “It’s a very long list.” She took his arm and they walked to the door.

“Santa will try to give you everything you want,” he said, sliding his hand down to pat her affectionately on her ass as they were walking to their car. “And he’s got a surprise to tell you about when we get home.”

“You mean the surprise about Suzanne and James deciding to get married?” she said. “Even from across the room, I could tell what all that hugging and kissing was about.”

Jerry opened the car door. “Spoilsport.”

“Does she already know that she’s pregnant? Or didn’t she say?” Edna asked.

“She knows,” Jerry said, kissing her before helping her into the car. “How did you know?”

“Jerry, the girl’s got that glow. I guessed it two weeks ago.” She watched him walk around and get into the car. “There’s only one thing I’ve never figured out.”

“What’s that, my love?” Jerry asked.

She nudged him gently, “I’ve never figured out if that special glow came from the sheer joy of being pregnant, or if it was from just morning sickness. Has she told James?”

Jerry laughed as he started the car and drove away. “Sure she did, right after she accepted his proposal. But enough about them, tonight I have big plans for you and me.”

“Your wish is my command, Santa,” Edna teased her husband with a quick wink, “once in a while.”

For an older couple, they sure had a busy night when they got home. Jerry was so impatient that he undressed his wife and made love to her right there on the living room carpet still wearing the top part of his Santa suit, before they went upstairs. Many of the club members would be shocked, and even somehow encouraged, to learn that a couple of Jerry and Edna’s age made love more than once that night and in more ways than one. They should have known; how did they think Jerry and Edna had those seven kids?

The Paddle Club: A Fun, Romantic and Erotic Spanking Novel

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