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Chapter Seven The Amazing Maze

Just after the first of the year, the special event Sherry had been so curious about finally arrived. The event was called The First Annual Amazing Maze, an entirely new kind of event put on by the members of the Paddle Club, and open to outsiders strictly by invitation only. The invitations were issued with a great deal of caution.

The event featured a maze set up like the ones in a fun house at a carnival, with some mirrored walls and some seemingly solid walls, except that these mirrored walls would actually move around and trap the couples until they performed required acts on each other.

Once a couple paid the admission fee and entered the maze, there was no way out. No one could escape without sampling all the tender delights of the maze, “tender” being the operative word. Each couple was forewarned, to disobey the voice they heard was to court true disaster, i.e., being stuck in the maze with no way out, and no food or bathroom in sight.

The standing policy in the Paddle Club was that spankings, paddlings and whippings could be done in public while all other sexual acts were kept private, behind closed doors. Sometimes that policy was set aside for events like this one. Some of the things they would be told to do were sexual in nature, very sexual, but they would only be asked to do them with their own partner.

Sherry and Clayton entered the maze and followed the path around to the left. They heard something slide softly. Turning around, they realized that they were already trapped in a small enclosure made up of mirrored walls. Seemingly from nowhere, a woman’s voice came to them.

She said, “Okay now, both of you take off all your clothes. Leave the clothes here, neatly folded please, and go through the opening. Remember, in this maze there are several places where a wrong turn can mean repeating part of the maze. That can mean a little extra pleasure or extra pain, or even a little of both.” As soon as they both had their clothes off a small opening appeared in one section of the wall. They had been instructed to go through it so they did; so far so good.

The Paddle Club: A Fun, Romantic and Erotic Spanking Novel

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