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Minding your online manners and ethics


One problem with communicating mostly by text is that anyone can misinterpret what is written. Therefore, keep humor to a minimum and avoid posting questionable content. You also need to recognize when and where to address individuals when problems arise. If you are having a problem with a peer, politely and privately communicate directly with that person. You will want to include your instructor, who can facilitate resolution if necessary.

If your issue is with the instructor, you might take a different approach. For example, have you ever been in a face-to-face course when someone questioned an instructor rudely or otherwise inappropriately? In most cases, the instructor wins and the student ends up looking like a fool. The same is true in the online environment. If you need to question your instructor or another peer, post the question or concern privately and respectfully. In return, your instructor should also communicate concerns privately, along with other personal information, such as your grade and assignment comments.

Part of being respectful and honest is posting original content and giving credit where credit is due when posting someone else’s work. You should cite sources in formal assignments and in everything you post, email, or present. If the idea isn’t yours, cite it! If you have a question about whether to cite something, or if you’re unfamiliar with the proper way to cite sources, ask your instructor or a librarian. We discuss this topic and others related to ethical behavior in Chapter 15.

Institutions often provide instructors with tools to check assignments for originality. These tools include comparing your assignments to a database of other assignments, web content, and dissertations. Know your institution’s guidelines for quoting/citing sources and developing original work. Some schools consider it plagiarism to repurpose an assignment from one class for another. The penalties for plagiarism can be quite severe, including removal from a program. Again, if you have a question about whether you can do something, ask. Don’t assume.

Online Learning For Dummies

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