Читать книгу Online Learning For Dummies - Susan Manning - Страница 34

Students in kindergarten through high school


Sometimes young learners want or need a different structure for learning than traditional schools offer. This includes kids who fall into these broad categories (among others):

 Child actors and athletes who need to travel: Whereas these kids used to have private tutors, now they can stay on top of coursework by enrolling in online schools.

 Kids who live in areas where the schools can’t offer advanced or specialized courses: This describes a good number of rural communities. Online courses can fill in the gaps.

 Learners hoping to avoid some of the high school influences of drugs or gangs: Online students can focus on the academics.

 Students who fail a class and jeopardize graduating on time: The process of making up coursework used to mean summer school; now it includes online courses.

In many cases, states support online education for kids from kindergarten through high school via charter schools. Students within the state can take online courses to supplement or augment traditional curricula. Or, they may choose to forego traditional education altogether and take online courses exclusively. In Chapter 18, we discuss online education for kids of all ages, including how it differs from online education for adults, the variety of online schools available for kids, and the K–12 enrollment process.

Online Learning For Dummies

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