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Trying new learning methods and technologies


Online learning stretches most learners. Many of the procedures and processes feel awkward, and the instructor may throw in new technology tools. How well you adapt to these additional challenges can make a difference in your overall survival online. The following short list describes some of the tools or methods you may face online (see Chapter 3 for more details on technology and the technological skills you need):

 Group work: Very common online. Instructors pair up students or assign them to small discussion groups to work out problems.

 Wiki: A web page that different people can edit. It’s a simple tool that is used in group work. If you can edit a Word document, you can handle a wiki.

 Blog: A web page that you may use in two different ways. You may just be asked to go to a blog and read the entries. Or, you may be asked to keep a blog — kind of like a public journal — of what you experience in the class.

 Webinar: A live session where you can hear a presenter and see images. Instructors who have live office hours often use similar software.

 Chat: Instant communication when you need to ask a question or work out a group decision.

 Podcasts: Audio files that you can download and play on your computer or on your portable MP3 device.

Online Learning For Dummies

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